Ch. 18 cold to warm

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But what Wei Ying was very Shocked to the core was when he saw..

"Bai Wuxiang.."

The man in white wearing a half smiling half crying mask. He gestures his hands up and Wei Ying is surrounded by resentful energy. Controlling Wei Ying, he was in front of Bai Wuxiang.

The man took off his mask and revealed his face. It had shocked Wei Ying to the core. His parents never told him how Bai Wuxiang looks without a mask as he might get scared as a kid. But now... They didn't tell him he was the previous Heavenly emperor.

The man smirked and the resentful energy was suffocating Wei Ying. "Why are you.. doing this.."

"Easy." Jin Guangshan Answered

"Wen Ruohan wants your power, Jin Guangyao wants your body. And I.. want to be the most powerful in this cultivation world!!! But... with you being alive... I WAS SUPPOSED TO BE THE MOST POWERFUL IMMORTAL HERE! I Will kill you before your parents even apologize."

Wen Ruohan and Jin Guangshan and the two disciples shot their heads towards Jun Wu. "Oi! What about the plan?!" Wen Ruohan shouted. Jun Wu looked over to the side and replied "didn't you say you wanted his body? I'll give you his corpse." This left the sect leader's shocked. "I'll suck out all his power in his body and give it to you. Ruohan."

Jun Wu, or- Bai Wuxiang teleported them into a somewhat, cliff full of resentful energy. Only him and the two sect leaders. Meanwhile they left the two disciples alone.

Wei Ying was still up in the air struggling to get out. He was soon released by Bai Wuxiang and fell onto the ground- gasping for air.

Wen Ruohan and Jun Wu held out their hands above Wei Ying (trying) to suck out his Yang Energy but none came. "..what?! Why is there no energy coming out of you?!" Wei Ying smirked and looked up to them. "Heh. Maybe it's because I have no Golden Core left"

Jin Guangshan Slapped him as Wen Ruohan Stabbed Wei Ying in the heart with his sword. He let out a yelp as he spat blood. "Any last words you fucking son of a bitch"

Wei Ying spat blood on their cheeks and quoted. "Torture me all you want. If I died, I will come back as a fierce ghost- STRONGER THAN ALL OF YOU COMBINED AND HAUNT YOU DOGS FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE"

The three laughed as Wen Ruohan grabs his hair and threw him off the burial mounds.

"What now?"

"We rule the whole cultivation world"


"Jiejie.. will the young master Lan be okay?" Wen Ning asked his sister as Wen Qing pats his head in reassurance. At the same time, Lan Wang Ji starts to stir in his sleep.

"Young master Lan! Here.. drink this.." Lan Wangji was hesitant but still drank the water as he was very thirsty while sleeping for a whole week.

"Where is... wei ying..?"

The Wen Siblings looked down. "He..."

Wen Qing choked on her saliva as Lan Wangji was starting to get scared. "He went to Qiong Qi path and.." this alerted Lan Wangji and he stood up grabbing bichen but was stopped by Wen Ning. "Y-young master Lan! Master Wei w-wouldn't like t-to see y-you like t-this..! Please get r-rest first..!"

Lan Wangji wouldn't want Wei Ying to see him like this. If he wants to protect him, he must grow stronger first. As the word "stronger" came across his mind, he held out his hand and placed it on his chest. His core was... stronger?

"What happened?"

Wen Qing looked at Lan Wangji hesitantly.

Wen Qing, Wen Ning.. pleaseDon't tell Lan Zhan about the core part. I will tell him myself when the time's right... thank you and I'm sorry for the trouble..

"I'm sorry Young master Lan, But you'll know soon. For now, focus on getting stronge-" her statement was interrupted by the sound of a child.

"Auntie!!! Is A-niang already here?!?!!" The Enthusiastic child asked. Lan Wangji looked over to the child and saw Wei Ying in him. With those innocent sparkling eyes, cheerful personality, loud voice and messy hair.

"Wuxian isn't here and What did I tell you about knocking?" Wen Qing starts to Lecture the child in front of him and Wen Ning starts to prepare some food for Lan Wangji.

Lan Wang Ji starts thinking about Wei Ying and the child even addresses him as his mother. Did Wei Ying give birth to him before?

"Rich gege!" The child hugged his thigh as it was the only thing he could reach. "Have you seen my a-niang?" Lan Wang Ji bent down and patted his head "who is your A-niang?" Little A-yuan smiled "Xian gege is my a-niang! He left a week ago and promised to come back and get bunnies for a-yuan!" Lan Wangji knew how Wei Ying loved kids. "I'll find your A-niang, be a good boy." He patted his head once again and the little boy hugged him tight. "Thank you rich gege!" Lan Wang Ji only let out an "mm'' and hugged the boy back. Kids are so warm and bright. This was what his mother was feeling when she always hugged her sons.

"A-yuan, Rich gege has to rest... we can visit later, okay?" Wen Ning said with a low voice not to scare the child away. Wen Yuan nodded and bid a goodbye "I'll come back later rich gege! Take care!"

Lan Wang Ji smiled.


Xie Lian was with his Husband- Hua Cheng when suddenly they felt a pang in their Cores. This action alerts Xie Lian and looks over to his husband. "San lang.. did you feel it too..?" Hua Cheng is terrified. "Yes gege... is he.." Xie Lian puts a hand over his mouth to stop from shouting "no... a-ying.."

They felt the pain in their hearts when Hua- Wei Ying gave his core to Lan Wangji. Why? Wei Ying was created with their strong love and their powerful cores. When Xie Lian was still pregnant with Hua Ying, he could tell that their bond was strong enough that Hua Ying was alive in his tummy. But when Wei Ying's core ripped out of his chest, they could feel the warmth of the other disappearing.

But suddenly, it was warm again. "Huh...?" Hua Cheng held Xie Lian in his arms. "What is happening to him.."

"San Lang, We must go and find him quickly..! It's almost his 17th birthday! He'll ascend soon!" Hua Cheng hugged his husband dearly and kissed his forehead "shhh.. we'll find him. I will find him.."


To be continued


Phew, 3 POV's in one chapter 😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨
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- Avehlia

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