Ch. 17 I love him

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While walking, Wei Ying heard rustling coming from the bushes. Because of this, he was alerted and unsheathed his sword– Suibian.

Looking back he saw–...

Wen Zhuilu.

He aimed his sword at him and asked "what are you doing here."

Wen Zhuilu "Second young master Wen ordered me to.."

"To what?"

Wen Zhuilu didn't reply as charged at him with no sword. When he was almost close, his hands were almost where Wei Ying's golden core was. Wei Ying undestood it now. This core melting hand is gonna melt his core. Not on his watch.

He dodged every attack the Wen tried. Not until he stumbled upon a branch laying on the grass that made him fall off a cliff.

The core melting hand was in front of him ready to melt his core. Wei Ying closed his eyes. When he didn't feel anything, he opened his eyes and saw a white clothed man in front of him.

"Lan zhan...?"

Lan Wang Ji had taken the blow and let his golden core get melted. He fell to the ground as Wei Ying catched him.

He was devastated to see his Lan Zhan's core melted and his skin turning pale. Wei Wuxian suddenly felt anger rising within him and there was black smoke surrounding him. His eyes were crimson red. He gestures his hands and the smoke follows.

Killing Wen Zhuilu.

He looked down and saw Lan Zhan trying to keep his eyes open. "WHY DID YOU COME?!" He says, devastated. "I TOLD YOU IT WAS DANGEROUS!.. now look…" Tears swelled in Wei Ying's eyes as he held onto Lan wangji.

".. promised Wei Ying to protect him..and wei ying promised to never leave.." Lan Wangji said, in between his breaths.

"Lan zhan.. promise me you'll never leave me"

"Mn. As long as wei ying will do the same"

Wei Ying nodded his head and hugged lan wangji close.


He thought of how to solve this.. until he realized..

"A-ying, you have two cores. One is a golden core and one is a black core." His Father, Hua Cheng said. "Black core? What's that?" The oblivious little Hua asked.

"A black core is like a golden core but with dark energy. It means, if you train hard, you could control it very well." Little Hua was excited to hear this.

"I'll be the most powerful!" Hua Cheng laughs "yes, my little butterfly. You'll be the most powerful. More powerful than me and your baba" They both laughed.

Wei Ying shed a tear while he smiled and whispered, "I'll protect you.. just trust me.. I promise."

Wei Ying laid the Lan on the ground and stood up, fixing himself. He held two fingers together and chanted…..

He woke up to darkness surrounding him and heard a low voice.

"Are you sure you want to do this?"


"Will it be worth it?"


"Why are you willing to do it?"


Wei Ying was didn't hesitate to answer back.

"I love him."

The man chuckled and said. "Very well."

Wei Ying woke up and saw both of him and Lan Wangji in the air with gold and blue with hints of glitters sparkling myst around them.

He put his two fingers together in front of his chest and concentrated. He saw his golden core shining so brightly come out of his chest. But why does it have hints of silver?

(Inspired by Till the end if the moon where in Ye Xewu gave her eye to Tantai Jin hehe)

Why wouldn't it be? He's the son of a God– Immortal. He smiled at the thought of Lan Wangji being a God. For sure he'll be his Number 1 most devoted believer.

He embraced himself and his core– now Lan Wangji's new core, was shining so brightly as his body engulfs the new core. Replacing his melted one.

Wei Ying fell down and looked up to see his Lan Zhan transforming– more like Ascending? But no.

His hair had tints of sky Blue, with his robes having golden hues.

Lan Wang Ji got down slowly and the myst laid him on the ground gently. Wei Ying took a closer look at his boyf- his friend and saw he was still unconscious.

Carrying his body, he went back to the Wen's and saw Wen Ning. The other saw him too and rushed towards him– carrying the quite heavy Lan Wangji.

"A-xian? What happened to second young master Lan?!" Wen Qing asked while Wei Ying laid Lan Wangji on the bed with Wen Ning's help.

"Master Wei.. why does h-he look quite different?" Wei Ying proceeded to tell them the details of what happened leaving Wen Qing shocked and Wen Ning clinging onto Wei Ying.

"Qing-jie, please stay with Lan Zhan until he wakes up" Wen Qing was surprised to hear the boy call him jie.

"B-but! A-xian! What will I say if he wakes up?!"

It was too late, He had already gone out.

"took you long enough." The mysterious man said, annoyed.

"I'm here aren't I? Now go and tell me what you want! And show yourself!"

Three people? No.. There were 5 of them… 

Wei Ying was shocked when he saw Jin Guangshan, Wen Ruohan, and those other two that he don't care about to remember their names (Su Minshan and Jin Zixun)

But what Wei Ying was very Shocked to the core was when he saw..

To be continued

Lol i love cliffhangers. If you liked this story, don't forget to vote and comment(I love reading them!)

Also thank you for 300 votes and 5k reads on this fanfic!!!

– Avehlia

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