Ch. 24 waning moon officer

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Arriving into the ghost city. He can't die yet. He has revenge yet to kill. Lurking around the streets of Ghost city, attempting to find a certain person. That person who his Father saved and worked for him for hundreds of years. The Waning moon Officer— Yin yu.

Hiding between the stalls, it's a good thing there are many  ghosts here. His blood could be immediately scented by random ghosts but thankfully, if there were many ghosts luring at this hour, he wouldn't be caught.

He was near paradise manor. He wouldn't go inside as he would have to face his father. Who would? Disappearing for over a decade then suddenly coming back? He knows, at this time, Hua Chengzu is spending time with his husband in the heavenly realm. He collapsed on the ground, on an alley.

A person— a ghost was passing by and smelled the reek of blood in an alley. He checkee up to see a boy collapsed. Blood is still gushing out of his body. The ghost(?) Wiped the hair out of his face..

"Your highness!!" He found Yin yu— or you could tell Yin Yu found him. He carried the small fragile boy in his arms inside the manor. "Don't let anyone know.. please.."was the last thing Hua Ying said to him before he fell unconscious.

Hua Ying is back?

"You mean to tell me… WEI WUXIAN ESCAPED YESTERDAY'S EVENTS?!" Bai Wuxiang shouted. The people, Jin Guangshan along with Jin zixun and Jin Guangyao, Wen Ruohan, Su Minshan, Jiang Fengmian and Jiang Wanyin all looked down in fear.

"I deeply apologize.. sir" Wen Ruohan bowed deeply, trying to not show his obviously scared face from Jun Wu. Jun wu sat down in annoyance. "If you want to apologize deeply, kidnap all the remaining friends of Wei Wuxian and take them as hostages. Especially that Lan. Hanguang jun." All of the people bowed and ran out of the room.

Jun Wu looked out the window towards the dark sky. "Just you wait, Hua Wuxian. This isn't over yet. I have plans up my sleeves you haven't seen yet."

Little Hua Ying woke up and started stirring in his sleep. "Is my little butterfly awake now?" A voice from above called out. Hua Ying let out a slight 'mm' and stretched his body. He felt his left side of the bed pressed as if there was someone laying beside him. He opened his hazel eyes and looked up. "Good morning little butterfly." Hua Cheng says as he wrapped his arms around the little boy, cuddling him. "Good morning A-die!!!" He hugged the taller man back. The older man starts attacking the kid with tickles and small kisses as the kid starts laughing hard.

"Looks like someone is enjoying cuddling sessions without me" another voice spoke, Hua Ying turned his head and saw his other parent. "Baba!!" Xie Lian walked to the bed and also laid beside Hua ying, squishing him in the middle. The little boy hugged him and buried his head in his chest. Xie Lian kissed his forehead and cuddled him as well.

Hua Cheng moved his position, closer to the two and embraced them in his arms. "Baba, A-die is bullying me"

"You little rat, come here!" Hua Cheng reached for the kid to tickle him more and Xie Lian was left there smiling at the bond of the two. "Okay okay, quit it you two. I made breakfast, are you sure you want to eat a-ying?" The kid nods and replies "I will eat whatever Baba makes because I'm his 2nd most devoted believer!" The three of them laughs in sync and went to the dining room together.

Wei Ying woke up and saw the ceiling. It was decorated in a boring red and black. It must be his father's guest rooms. "Your highness, are you feeling well?" Yin yu asked the little boy who had now sat up carefully. "Like shit." Wei Ying now looked at Yin yu face to face. "Umm… long time no see, Yu gege hehehe.." Yin Yu had taken his mask off revealing his angry face. "Did you know how long i was worrying for you?! Your highness, please don't leave us like that again!" Yin Yu hugged the boy gently after his sermon to the little boy. Wei Ying returned the hug and buried his head into his neck "I miss you too"

"You have a lot to explain."

After explaining, Yin yu hugged the boy once again, this time a little bit tighter. "You idiot! Why would you do that?!" Wei Ying covered his mouth "shh! Others will hear us!"

Yin Yu removed his hand "Hua Chengzu is out the manor— visiting your baba, he was having another panic attack-"

Wei Ying cutted him off "baba.. has a panic attack..?" The other looked at him and sighed. "I guess it's my turn to explain..

After you left, his highness the emperor was in despair. He had multiple panic attacks and couldn't sleep. Hua Chengzu also had trouble falling asleep and started to act like what he was before he met his highness. But his highness was the one most affected by all. There was a time he tried commiting once again by using ruoye. And tried slitting his wrists with E-ming. Hua Chengzu had to seclude his highness for a month.

They would usually sleep or stay in your room in memory of you and view all your drawings they kept. His highness would always cook your favorite spicy dishes and endure the spiciness to just remember you.

The lord wind master would give you your favorite fans of hers on your birthday and sometimes, on normal days too. The earth master would often write letters for you and leave it on your window. It's in your drawer in your room that his highness kept.

General Ming guang would often buy butterfly related things that had red and gold to put on his sword or his castle to remind of you. Ling Wen would draw a portrait of you or write like how you would write even on her busy days.

General Xuan Zhen and general Nan Yang decorated their weapon with red tassels and drew butterflies on it as a remembrance of you.

And lastly, Hua Chengzu would draw portraits of you as a child as he couldn't imagine what you look like as a teenager. He would often talk by himself like he was talking to you. He stayed at puqi shrine longer than normal— hoping to see you come back again. Together with his highness, He learned how to sew and sewed so many robes for you, hoping that you would wear it. His highness would often space out in many meetings up in heaven and also with Hua chengzu. And more…

"So My prince, please… I can't keep you inside here without them knowing…" Wei Ying had his eyes open wide. Everyone did all those things… for him? Why was he so greedy and careless to think about his family??

Wei Ying held Yin yu's hands "It'll be quick… they'll soon find me but I need you to do something." Yin Yu's face got serious and looked him dead in the eyes. "I need information about what's going on in the mortal realm." "May I ask why, my prince?" Hua Ying's right eye starts to glow crimson red. "I encountered Bai Wuxiang."

"Should we burn the Burial mounds?"

"No need. There were fires below the mound cultivator's started. It'll grow big enough to burn a whole forest down."

"San Lang, I have a mission in the mortal realm."

"What is it gege? Can I come?"

"Sure. The burial mound, known to be full of resentful energy."

"Sure gege, I'll come with you."

Another chapterrr!!!! This kind of took a whole day as I wanted to change the story and the plot a little hehe. By the end of the story, I would post my ideas on what I should have done in this story or maybe in the future hehehe.

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