Chapter 7 runaway pt. 2

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In the mortal realm

Dogs barking can be heard and The boy was running through different directions.

He then got away from the dogs aand layed down under the tree while his scars and wounds are bleeding.


laying on the ground slightly concious. Hua Ying felt presence. But due to his wounds and tiredness he didn't have any energy left to open his eyes. Its like he wanted to give up– No! He wouldn't! He wanted to see the mortal realm! He wanted to see him.

Feeling helpless, he heard a familiar voice.

"Oh my! A-ying!!" A womans voice echoed his mind. The voice had worry in tune and he felt being lifted up.

"A––— lets take him home!" The womans voice demanded. The other person surely just nodded since he didn't heard any protest whatsoever.

The boy had no energy to protest so he just let this woman hold him preciously. How he wished his mother would do that too. 




Waking up, he felt relieved and ease at his shoulders. He woke up to a familiar room? The door to that bedroom opened revealing a woman with a tray of food.

Her eyes widened when she saw him awake. "A-ying!" She then quickly placed the tray of food at the side and checked his wounds.

"Cangse Ayi?? What happened?" He asked with a low tiredness in his voice. "Me and your Changze shushu found you laying under the tree in the forest. What were you thinking?! You know its dangerous especially at night!" She said while checking his wounds and scars.

There it was. The care and attention Hua Ying wanted from his parents. He started tearing up knowing that his parents never treated him like that especially when he was out doing mischevious things– whenever he comes home with scratches, Xie Lian nor Hua Cheng had never treats his wounds. It was always a doctor or some kind of maid in the palace to always treat his little scars whenever he got scratched.

But choosing your work over your own son had a bigger and much more deeper scar than any scar he had in his life.

Small "things" like this makes the little boy tear up. It wasn't really a "small thing" for him since he never got to experience like this. He considered this as a big thing for him.

"A-ying.. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scream at you baobei." Cangse sanren had wiped the little boys tears by her thumb and proceeds to kiss his little forehead. It had soften Hua Ying's heart as he haven't felt like this in a while.

He felt another presence and looked through the door. It was his uncle changze.

"Changze shushu" he smiled still with tears in his eyes. It broke the two adults' heart.

"Aying, what happened?" His uncle asked. The young boy looked down and started fiddling on his fingers. "You dont need to say it if you're not ready to. Me and your Auntie are here." He said with a genuine smile.

He hasnt felt like this in awhile.

"I ran away from 'home'...."

This had the two adults frozen up. The little boy then explained why he did that. The adults then felt pity for this little boy. It also had shocked the two, especially when the current emperor who is known to his kindness out of this world and his husband a calamity who would do everything to protect the one(s) he love neglect a child?  Cangse sanren can never bore any child. It hurted her deeply along with Wei Changze. But as the little boy explained, she wanted this boy to feel the love he hasn't experienced.

"Aying.. would you like to live with us?" Wei Changze said, out of the blue. This had not shocked Cangse sanren as she had already expected this from her husband.

"Can I...?" The little boy asked, his head tilted with tears still streaming down his face. It was hurtful to see.

"Of course baobei.. you could be our son! If you would like to ofcou-" she was interrupted when a pair of little arms hugged both of them tightly, burying his head into their sides, the little boy responded


He said hugging them more tightly as he looke dinto their eyes. His eyes had now changed. From a tired emotionless eyes to bright once again.

Cangse sanren and Wei Changze hugged him back and kissed his forehead. This had the kid giggle once again.

It had hurt their hearts when the boy awhile ago was crying– now was giggling happily as he leaned into the hug. How can such a child recieve neglect. How can a child still smile after recieving such treatments. He did not deserve this! The adult vowed to heaven to protect this childs heart even with their lives.

"Mama.. dada.. you wont ignore aying too, right..?" He said hopefully.

Hearing the boy call her "mama" had soften her heart even more.

The first time she saw this child, he had already caltured her heart as he clings to her finger with his tiny hand. It had made Cangse drink vinegar seeing crimson rain sought flower and Xie Lian having their family time. But now...

"Ofcourse we wont baobei. You're our precious gem!" She said, squishing his chubby cheeks as Wei changze took the tray of food and got up.

"I'll make another one. This one had gotten cold already" he said smilling at the two and left the room .

All the kid just needed someone to stay and care for them. He hasn't felt this happy in awhile. It wont hurt to be happy for a while right? 

"Mama.. then would i still be called Hua Ying?" The boy had looked up to his mom.

"I dont know baobei. Would you like to change it??" The little boy then vigorously nodded.

"Then, Wei Ying it is." His Dada had come back with a fresh new cooked food prepaired for him.

"Eat up aying" his eyes sparkled and ate the food happily while his parents looked at him with adore in their eyes.




I'm very sorry for updating really slow! Exams had now finished! I will try to post more often!

I apologize for some mistakes you may have encountered in this story. English is not my first language.

1075 words 💪
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