Ch. 28 Wait for us

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Wei Ying looked around and saw that this room is like another secret dungeon. He got out and saw someone's back turned around in an empty but big room.

A white robe with red accents of scorching sun. Wen Ruohan.

"Wei Wuxian, you've actually come to duel me. " he turned around to face the younger boy. Locking his eyes on him. His thin body, slim waist, rosy cheek, long eyelashes, hazel brown eyes…

"You know… I would've hated to ruin that precious body of yours." Wen Ruohan stated, his eyes full of lust. Wei Ying wanted to vomit. A man nearing 40 wanted to take him to bed. "No thanks. I would rather die than gettin in the same bed with you." Wen Ruohan scoffed and attacked him.

Wei Ying's butterfly pin activated a shield to avoid the sudden attack. He held the pin attached to his waist and thanked his father.

"I'm sorry baba and A-die… I'll get back soon.. I promise."

Wen Ruohan was blasted onto the wall from the force of the light from the younger boy— knocking him unconscious. "Psh. Weak" said Wei Ying.

He continued to search all the rooms, making the guards fall asleep by his newly invented talisman. He trusts that Jin Zixuan will free all the prisoners here.

Back with the Wen siblings (Wen Qing and Wen Ning)

Wen Qing wore a mask and with a roll of a dice, a portal appeared. They look at each other first before going in. Ghost city is so beautiful and lovely, but somehow the ghosts look… sad??

They went on to find the waning moon officer. Until they came across a very lavish and huge manor. "This must be it." Wen Qing said. A boy with a mask and dark navy blue robes went up to them. "This palace is not for visitors. If you're looking for inns they are‐"
"Are you Yin yu?" Wen Qing cutted him off. The boy nodded. Wen Qing grabbed him and Wen Ning in a corner and faced them. "Wei Ying is attacking Lanling Jin. Bai Wuxiang is there. He is attacking alone and he needs your help.." she hesitated before adding another "I'm afraid theres not much I can do…" Yin Yu held the siblings' hands and reassurred them. "I promise I will do my best to protect the young prince. But for now, I must inform his fathers."

Wen Ning held his robes "w-we c-can accomp-pany you there…" yin yu nodde went inside the manor with them. Hua Chengzu wasn't there so they rolled the dice again and arrived at heavens. Mortals aren't allowed but this is important. Considering this is the heavenly emperor's son.

Arriving at the palace of xianle, where a conference meeting with all the gods and followers attend. The huge door opened revealing hundreds of the gods. The three of then bowed and walked towards where the emperor is located.

The emperor is seen sitting on the throne, with his tired eyes and fragile body, beside him is a man pale as a ghost wearing red robes with butterfly tassels hanging around his waist and boots. "Your majesty, Hua Chengzu." The guy in red looked at yin yu "what happened this time yin yu." Spoke hua ceng sternly. "I have people.. they wanted to talk to you and his majesty.." the siblings stepped closer and bowed deeply.. "your majesty.. my name is wen Qing and this is my brother Wen ning, we were sent by.. Hua Ying.."

The emperor stood up and Hua cheng dropped his arms at his side. Xie Lian rushed towards them and held their shoulders. "Tell me..! What happened to him?!" Looking desperate at the two.

Wen Ning replied, "he is planning to attack the Jin sect."

General Ming Guang was confused "but why would he?-" he was cut off by the small ghost looking guy. "T-the enemy is t-there..!! B-bai wuxiang..!" The crowd of the heavenly realm was shocked. The 2 mortals stumbled upon their legs but regained their balance.

"Bai wuxiang..?" Xie Lian frowned. "Your highness, I thought you killed him 2 decades ago?" Ling Wen asked. "I thought I did… but how.."

Hua Cheng's face was serious. "Enough with the past! We must go over and help my son!"
Xie Lian was ready to go but Ling Wen stopped him. "Your highness! Meddling with mortals' is not encouraged!" Xie Lian had a glare and shook her hands off his arms. "But it's not entirely forbidden." He ran out the conference room along with the Wen siblings, Yin Yu, and his husband.

"We're coming baobei... wait for baba and A-die.. "

Hello!! I wanted to apologize for not updating soon:<
School works has been very heavy now that I belong to the officers in the higher level unlike last year. I also encountered some problems with my family and posting this chapter, But I hope you enjoyed this part^^ I will do my best as always to try and update soon^^*

With love,
— Avehlia

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