Ch. 26 Finding Wei Ying

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Yin Yu was… shocked? They found out?

"Are you sure chengzu..?- maybe-"

He was cut off with hua cheng replying "I am sure. His letters told me so."

Back to Hualian (continuation to last chapter)

"San Lang…" his husband— wife calls him out. He looked back and saw Xie Lian with wide eyes.

Hua Cheng, "What happened gege?" Xie Lian was about to cry. "Read it.." his voice cracked. Hua Cheng was getting nervous. 'What's happening..'

He glanced at the open page notebook Xie Lian handed him.

There was also this one thing I have never spoken out of. I ran away from home at the age of 6 and met my mama and dada, Wei Changze and Cangse sanren. For two years, I had felt the love I asked for but all went downhill when my parents were killed by wolves. They were strong rogue cultivators but I don't know why they died. I was left at yiling and stayed in the streets for a year, Sect Leader Jiang found me and took me in. I was also abused there by the Madam of the sect. Madam Yu. She took her anger out on me with her spiritual tool, Zidian. I have a sister who always cooks soup but I don't think soup will heal her mother's abuse towards me. I also have a brother, his name has the same name as my father. "Cheng." But he is also like his mother. The only difference is that he attacks me with words only. When I was 13, I got my own sword named suibian and when I was 15, I was promoted as head disciple of the Jiang sect. It was not a really good memory as the madam once again whipped me for being a head disciple. I met Lan zhan, from my days studying at gusu. He was stoic but his eyes never lie. It's like how my father looks at my other father without saying anything. He's everything I wish to not leave me. But I know I will be leaving him first… I was thrown out of yunmeng and stayed at the burial mounds with the dafan Wens. They're healers and gardeners. I also adopted a kid named Wen Yuan. He is the sweetest you could ever meet. He reminds me of myself whenever he catches my butterflies.

Because of this mess, I was the scapegoat used by none other than Bai Wuxiang. My parents' enemy. He's after my yin and yang energy. I want all of this to stop. I wanna see my parents and hug them tightly. I wanna eat baba's food even if others hate it. I wanna explore ghost city with a-die even if other ghosts fear him. I wanna experience their warmth waking up. I wanna hear them say my nicknames they created. I wanna be spoiled by them.

I miss my parents. I miss you A-die and baba. It's me

Your Hua ying.

Hua Cheng felt sick… All this time, this yiling laozu was his son. "San lang.." Xie Lian cried out. "Gege.. our son suffered too much" He said while opening his arms to hug xie lian tightly. "San Lang.. we have to find him now." Xie Lian was serious. Hua Cheng, in his San Lang form— his eyes turned red. "We will gege. We will." He kissed his forehead and rubbed his back. He contacted Yin Yu for the information. "Yin Yu, I want you and the ghost to find the yiling laozu" with seriousness in his tone. "Yes Chengzu."

"Your highness.. you have to keep going.. Chengzu found out."

"About what?"

"You being the Yiling laozu."

Wei Ying quickly got ready and took chengqing, his flute from the nearby table. Yin Yu handed a cloak. "It's to protect your identity. Where are you going?" Wei ying took the cloak and thanked him. "First, I'm going to solve everything. I'll free those prisoners first before killing Bai Wuxiang." The mention of the name had Yin Yu wide eyed. "B-but your highness..! Your 17th birthday is near! You haven't ascended yet!" Wei Ying finished putting the cloak on and looked at him. "It's alright.. someone worthy and better than me will ascend soon for me. Thank you yin yu gege  I'll make sure to let A-die increase your salary more hehe" He said before disappearing.

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