chapter 10.5

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Arriving at Gusu, Jiang Cheng accidentally left their invitation where they stayed for the night. Since Gusu has a No-invitation No-entry policy for guests to the lectures, they can't come in. Not until Wei Ying caught someone looking so ethereal with those white mourning clothes.

"Jiang Cheng, who's that?" Wei ying asked. "That's second master Lan Wangji, or also known as one of the Twin Jades of gusu."

The other only nodded his head. Seeing the lan Wangji boy, he was carrying a corpse??

He didn't wish to create a scene with one of the twin jades of Gusu or else, Something at Yunmeng awaits him.

"Invitation please" a lan disciple asked. "Oh, here." Wei Wuxian gave him the invitation and walked inside the walls of cloud recesses.

'It really is beautiful'

They were soon accompanied by Lan disciples to their room to settle for the night and to rest for tomorrow's introduction of sect heirs at the orchid room.


Wei Ying could not sleep so he got out of his room and sat at the rooftop with the Emperor's smile beside him.

This scene of Gusu's calm atmosphere really reminds him of someone. With those calm aromas around him. He can't help but shed a tear.

He reached out for his silver butterfly bracelet along with a thin white ribbon wrapped around his wrist.

He didn't dare to leave these behind as it was the only thing that reminds him of his 'parents'. He sighed and drank the whole jar of wine.

From that moment, he saw a figure walking towards him.

"Staying up after 9 is prohibited. Drinking wine is prohibited."

He smiled sadly "this lowly one apologizes. But I hope you can understand my situation."

The man clad in white softened his gaze and sat beside him. "This one apologizes for misunderstanding. You can talk to me."

Wei Ying glanced at the boy. It was the same boy from a while ago.

"Lan Zhan."


"It's just.. I miss my parents."

The other couldn't reply as he missed his mother too.

"By the way, wanna drink with me? You must have taken an interest in me when you started talking~" he giggled "shameless!" The other protested as both of them stood up and fought.

"Catch me if you can, Lan Zhan~"

(Catch me if you can mr. Holmes reference 🤫😉)

The two stayed up a little longer, catching each other and fighting with their swords.


(Let's skip the introduction part since I'm lazy)

Drinking at night whenever he misses 'someone' became a habit for Wei ying. But this time, he was invited to drink with Nie Huaisang and Jiang Cheng.

Teasing each other, creating loud noise, running around- they were breaking rules and were in their own world. After drinking 6 jars of emperor's smile, the two- Jiang Cheng and Nie Huaisang had fallen unconscious and Wei Ying had to drag them back to their own sleeping quarters.

Hearing the loud noise, Lan Wangji entered the room and saw the mess.

"Lan zhan! Come! Have a drink!" Wei Ying invited the second young master Lan.

"Drinking is prohibited." The other protested. Wei Ying had dragged Lan Wangji inside and offered him a cup.

When Lan Wangji drank the cup. His head fell and hit the table. "Lan zhan?" Wei Ying poked the boy. For 20 minutes, Lan wang ji gained consciousness but he seemed... dazed?

Wei Ying waved his hand infront of him "Lan zhan??" The other seems to be staring into nothing.

"Lan zhan how many fingers am I holding?" He showed peace- 2 fingers sign in front of him. He just grabbed the 2 fingers.

Wei Ying just sighed and dragged the man to his bed and laid him there. Sitting on the floor beside Wangji, he can't help but look at his face.

'He's so handsome..wait- what are you thinking Ying?!'

Due to the tiredness, he let his eyes fall and let darkness surround him completely.


IDecided to cut this part in half and post it since I don't want all of you to keep on waiting since I still am brainstorming whether to have an angst ending or no.

Oops- I accidentally revealed it? Lol, but I hope you enjoy this part.

Dont forget to comment and vote!


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