Ch. 12 Qingheng jun is back

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Wei ying stayed at the healer's pavilion for another day. During his stay there, he was always accompanied by Lan Zhan. He had gotten to know more about the second young master of Gusu. What his favorites are, colors, style, food, place, etc.. Lan Wangji had also mentioned about his parents. About how he misses his mother, His father still being in seclusion.

"I miss you too wangji.."

A voice behind them shocked them. It was a middle aged man that looks like Lan Wangji but with softer visuals and a magenta-ish eyes like sect leader Lan Xichen.


"Qingheng jun." Wei Ying tried to bow but the older man stopped him.

"No need, A-xian."

He turned to his copy. His son really looked alot like him when he was still a teenager. Technically, he stopped aging because of seclusion that only left wrinkles. He scanned his son head to toe. His figure, his impressions, his behavior- all of it was like him except.. His son was carrying his beloved wife's golden eyes.

"I'm sorry wangji.. if i wasn't part of your childhood. A sorry wouldn't change the past but I will be here beside you and your brother now.. so.."

He opened his arms asking for a hug.

"Would you atleast hug your fuqin?"

Lan Wangji had tears collected in his eyes that would fall down any second. He runs to his father's open arms and buried his head o to his neck. He doesn't care about the rules. Wei Ying smiled at the scene in front of him. His Lan Zhan deserved that. He grew up alone and matured so early. It was no thought that he didn't even have the fun to play out.

Well, he was kinda speaking for himself too. He only experienced that with his family. Being at Jiang Clan, he wasn't allowed to play as he was always dumped with chores. His thought was cut off by a hand dragging him and 2 people hugging him. It was Qingheng jun and lan zhan..

"U-uh.. ha..??" Wei Ying stumbled upon his words.

"Thank you A-xian. I have now realized how to move on from the past and go on for the future. "

"Thank you, wei ying.." although Lan Zhan's words were simple, his eyes don't lie the thankfulness and gratitude it lies.

Though what most shocked him is Lan Zhan hugged him tightly even after Qingheng jun released from the hug and kissed the side of his hair while his ears turned red. Qingheng jun just chuckled and let his youngest son tease the other.

"This one cannot thank Wei Ying enough"

Wei Ying hugged Lan zhan back and started patting his head. "No need for thank you's and sorry between us" Lan wangji let out a "Mn." And hugged him tighter.

The two broke their hug when a sound of books fell. They all turned their heads to the door and saw Lan Qiren along with Lan Xichen carrying books.


"Xichen.." Qingheng jun opened his arms and let his older son run towards his arms. Who wouldn't? The twin jades never met their Father.

"X-xiao zhang.." (I think that means brother but in a more formal way?)

"Qiren.. you look haggard" Lan Qiren huffed "who wouldn't get stressed with your duties?" Lan Haozhi smiled sadly "I'm sorry for being absent in your lives. But, I'm here now to support every step my family takes."

Qiren: "Xiaozhang, who convinced you to get out of seclusion?"

Lan haozhi looked to his side and reached out his hand. It'll be disrespectful for him to point using his finger. "Thanks to A-xian, he made me realize that my sons need me. I have been absent their whole childhood.." Qiren looked to the troublemaker and bowed. This action caught Wei ying off-guard. Master Lan?? Bowing to him?????? He must be dreaming.

"Wei Wuxian. This one thanks the young master for convincing my brother to get out of seclusion."

"No need to bow, Teacher Lan. "


Wei Ying looked to the man
Ying: yes Qingheng jun?

The man smiled at him and said..
"Call me dad from now on. "



Hua Cheng slithered his hands onto Xie Lian's waist while his husband was looking at their son's photo. Xie Lian put the frame down and put his hands around his husband's hand.

"San Lang.. it's been 10 years.. 10 years!! Yet, he won't come back.. I'm such a bad parent!" He hid his eyes full of tears with his hands.

Hua Cheng turned around and kissed the back of his hands. He couldn't comfort the other as it was true. They were bad parents. Neglecting their own son, leading to him running away from "home."

"Shhh.. we'll find him"

Hua Cheng hesitated

"Black water told me...

There was a boy who almost drowned in front of him and his energy was somewhat.. the same like A-ying.."

There were mixed feelings seen in Xie Lian's Eyes. "S-so... he's alive..??"

"We haven't known yet for sure.. but, I know he is out there. Let's not lose hope, okay?" Hua Cheng said as he wiped his husband's tears and kissing his forehead while hugging him closely.


TW: mention of SH!!

The two (wangxian) were at the Library while Wei Ying copied rules. His hands and wrists started hurting and Lan Wangji noticed this. He put down his brush and looked over to the other.

Zhan: "What's wrong??"

Ying: "ah, my wrist is hurting hehe.. but it's okay! It'll heal."

Zhan didn't believe him and reached for his wrist and pulled his white sleeves up. His eyes went wide when he saw scars in his wrists. He looked to Wei Ying as the other looked to the side to avoid his gaze. Wei ying has guilt seen in his face as Lan Zhan took his brush and dipped it into some ink, dabbing the excess off.

Drawing stars in his wrist, it wouldn't hurt his belove- I mean, it wouldn't hurt his Wei Ying as the scars look old.

(Inspired by Taylor swift Cardigan 'you drew stars around my scars' )

This action made Wei Ying smile. when you have got some scars or some pretty bad experiences and kind of losing hope then this one person comes into your life and makes things better. It's a sign of a new beginning.

The two ended up chatting and leaving their rules to copy on the side.


To be continued


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