chapter 15 planning

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It was a good sunny day at cloud recesses as everyone is giving gifts to each other as a parting gift. Yes, lectures at gusu finally came to an end. Everyone was happy to go home as their backs ached from sitting straight at class. Well, two teens say otherwise.

Wei Ying went to the backhills of the mountain and saw a certain Lan kneeling- playing with the bunnies he gifted him. He smiled at the other's reaction when he had gifted them.

"Lan Zhan" the Lan looked over and saw Wei Ying sitting beside him, petting the other rabbit. "We have to go later but I wanted to say Goodbye in person.." Lan wangji nodded "mn. Be Careful on the way home." Lan Zhan said, his eyes glistening at the fact Wei Ying is now leaving. "Awhhh Lan Zhan, Don't worry! I have a gift for you!" Wei Ying said as he reached for his hair. A butterfly- golden butterfly, appeared in his hair flying over Lan Zhan's fingers.

Wy:"This is my butterfly! You can use it to communicate with me!"

Lz: "Mn. Thank you wei ying"

Wy:"promise me you'll use it to communicate with me?"

Lz: "Mn. As long as Wei Ying promises this one to meet again"

Wy: "Mhm! I promise!"
Wei Ying looks around and stands up hding up his hand for Lan Zhan to grab. Of course, the other cant decline, he stands up gracefully and hears the other say "Let's go! Accompany me out! Hehehehe"


Nhs: "oh! Wei xiong! This is farewell!"

Wy: "nie xiong! Have a safe trip to Qinghe!"

The other nodded and went along with his sect. As Wei Ying was about to say something, a disciple playing with his sword caught his attention as the disciple accidentally cut off a branch that would most likely hit him. Wei Ying didn't have time to think so he used his hands to control a gold myst around his fingertips and the branch was suddenly hit to the other tree.

"Wei wuxian! How did you do that?" Unfortunately, Jiang Wanyin saw what happened and asked.

"Ah!.. just a trick I learned from reading books.. ehe.." good thing is, the other just nodded and replied. "Okay? Well, mom and dad are here. Come quick and we're leaving" he says and walks away.

"A-xian." Wei Ying heard a familiar voice and saw Qingheng jun "dad!" He gave a hug to the older man. "Make sure to visit or send letters to us, okay?" Wei Ying nodded and turned to Lan Wangji and tiptoed- kissing his cheeks. The young Lan blushed. "I'll see you lan zhan.. Bye dad! Bye lan zhan! Tell Xichen ge and Master Lan I'll be heading off!!"

Lan haozhi nodded and smiled, turning to his son. Seeing his ears so red, he let it slip.


"So it's confirmed." The mysterious man smirked. "I'm coming to get you.

Hua Ying."

Arranging troops for an Army. He'll do whatever it takes to get his hands on this boy as he is a mixture of Yin and Yang energy.

"So, is it already confirmed?"

The mysterious man looked at another hungry sect leader.

"Wen Ruohan. You aren't the type to be patient, aren't you?"

The man scoffed, "Just tell me."

" I have two plans in mind. We take him while he's back, or..." the man stopped and smirked. "We take his lover and his friends or loved ones for hostage."

"I like the sound of the second one" Sect leader Jin, Jin Guang Shan entered the room with two disciples, one from his and another.. from gusu?

"Who are they?"

"My lord, This is my nephew Jin Zixun and the other one is Su Minshan. They have told me that they knew Wei Wuxian and despised him. They could help us"

The man thought for a while and nodded.



To be continued


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