Ch. 14 information from owl

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Wei Wuxian had gotten along with master Lan and his dad– Qingheng jun. It took awhile of getting the young man comfortable into calling him dad. 


Wei Ying was at the library of gusu after classes had finished. He spotted Qingheng jun and decided to ask him about this word that he read about in the books.

"Dad! Can you tell me what this means???"

The older Lan was surprised but kept his composure calm. "Ethereal means extremely delicate and light in a way that seems too perfect for this world." The boy in red thinks back before saying "so like Lan zhan???"

'Oh boy, if wangji heard that, I bet he can't face a-xian' The older replied "something like that, yes" the boy nodded and thanks the older.

Lan haozhi was supposed to go to his room when his brother asked him "xiongzhang, why did you offered to be Wuxian's father?"

"Qiren, the boy solved my worries like a real parent would do. It's not that hard to tell, the boy lacks love from his father. I didn't mean to break the rules  but as I heard, Jiang Fengmian suddenly neglected the boy. A-xian is a kind boy, he helps others with no intention of getting anything in return. The boy matured at an early age. And also, I can see how wangji looks at A-xian. "

"You're very right, brother."


Wei Ying was looking out of the window, hiding the pain in his face from the calmness of the scene. He couldn't stop thinking about what happened a week ago after visiting their home– lotus pier.


The Jiang trio wanted to visit their 'home' as Master Lan had another discussion conference with Sect Leaders, bringing Lan xichen along.

Wei Wuxian got separated from Yanli and Wanyin and walked through the halls of the pier when gossip once again broke out.

"Isn't he Sect leader Jiang's illegitimate child?"

"I heard the sect leader favored his mother, cangse sanren, more than madam yu so he neglects his other kids."

Wei Ying rolled his eyes and mumbled. "I'm not even mama's biological child, how am I uncle Jiang's Illegitimate child?" But to Xie Lian's luck, Jiang Fengmian was in front of him and heard what he said.


"Uncle jiang! U-uhm"

"You aren't cangse's child..? Why didn't you tell me?!"

"U-uhmm.. ahh…" he stuttered.

"I thought we're family?!  Why didn't you tell us? Tell me?!"  Jiang Fengmian continued to Guilt trip Wei Ying.

"U-uncle..! I'm sorry..!" He tried reaching out for his uncle. But to no avail, Fengmian just turned his back on him and walked away. "Don't talk to me. Starting from now on, I am not your uncle but your sect leader."

Wei Ying nodded his head and kept it low.

Back to the present…

Wei Ying sighed and fiddled on his robes. "Wei Ying." A voice called out to him. He didn't turn around as he already knew who it was. "Lan Zhan"

Lan Zhan sat beside him as Wei Ying put his head onto the other's shoulder. "The moon is beautiful, isn't it?lan zhan? It makes me so jealous of the stars shining so brightly.." Lan Wangji's mouth gaped and gathered courage to reply..

"Wei ying.. of all the stars, they never shine brighter than your eyes.."

(Oh darling of all the city lights, never shine brighter as your eyes– car's outside reference)

Wei Ying smiled as he leaned more into Lan Wangji's embrace.

From afar, the owl was watching their movements and fled away from the scene.

"We should really make a move now"

"Patience, sect leader Jin.. we could have gotten more information if we waited patiently. "


The sect leader left the man alone as he smiled. "He really takes a lot from you..


To be continued

This is a really boring chapter as I want to show what happened after Lan Haozhi asked Wei Ying to be his father

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- Avehlia

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