chapter 8 our son

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It had been 2 years since Hua- Wei Ying ran away from home.

As the sun was rising, Wei Ying heard a shout from outside from his father. "A-Ying! Get up and have breakfast already!" He was too tired to wake up since he snuck out and practiced his swordsmanship outside.

His eyes were getting heavier and heavier by second not until he was grabbed by the ankle and lifted up while being upside down.

"AHH! DADA!" The boy is now wide awake while his father looked at him with i-dont-care-get-up-now eyes. "What was that for?! Put me down dada!" He was fumbling trying to get down while being lifted upside down.

"Then you shouldn't have practiced all night long last night and slept all the way in! Come here- you!-" He started tickling the little boy while the other tries to get out of his grip.

"BOYS! BREAKFAST! NOW." The two then gulped hearing the woman in the house shout, they ran towards the dining room.

"Good. Now, let's eat shall we?"




"A-ying, we're going on a night hunt late then camp outside. Wanna come with us?" Cangse sanren asked the little boy who have been stuffing his face with rice.

"Mfm! Caw I fri shoofig gost?"
The woman looked at him with serious eyes. "Don't talk when your mouth is full." Wei Ying then gulped the food and responded back again. "Can I try shooting ghosts, mama??"

The man with gray eyes then looked at him "sure. I'll teach you" the litte boy then throw his arms up and shouted a 'yay' which was heard across the whole house.


The family then soon went out before sunset too arrive early for the mission.

With Little Wei Ying on Wei changze's shoulders and Cangse sanren on a donkey, Wei Ying asked..
"Mama, your ribbon looks beautiful. Where did you get it?" (Sponsored by red ribbon cake😜)

The woman looked at her son "in weddings, wearing colored red means happiness, fortune and success. It's to honor me and your dada's wedding!" She implied with her eyes glistening and his Dada was smiling genuinely at his wife.

"A-ying… In your wedding, I would love to see you wearing my ribbon" she said as she took the red ribbon off her hair and tied it on her son's hair.

"Thank you mama!" The boy smiled and hugged both his parents and then took off to their destination.

As the family walked deep in the woods, they heard growlings. Little Wei Ying hugged Wei changze as he protected both his son and wife.

They stopped once they heard growls behind them. Wei Changze looked behind and saw dogs and wolves with brands on their fur.

"My love, take yourself and A-ying to yunmeng near yiling, and go to my Brother fengmian and tell him what happened."
Wei Changze whispered to Cangse sanren.

"No I can't leave you!" Whispered loudly by his wife. "Dada.. what's happening.." Wei changze and cangse sanren held little wei ying and took turns on kissing his forehead

"A-ying.. I want you to go straight to the woods until you find a village. From there, ask someone where yunmeng is.. Go there and then look for Jiang Fengmian. He is your Uncle."

The boy looked at him with worry in his eyes and asked, "what about you?"

Wei Changze then tucked a small strand of hair in Wei Yings ear and kissed his forehead. "I'll protect you."

"Take my ribbon as a sign of bravery and your dada's bracelet to remind you that you are always our son"

They then heard the growls go louder and louder. "A-ying! Go now!" Cangse Sanren shouted.

The boy stumbled upon his feet and continued to run as there were at least 3 wolves chasing him.

2 with crimson red brand that was almost mistaken as blood and 1 with a gold brand on their fur.

He ran as fast as he could with tears wanting to drip down his eyes.



It had been a year since that incident happened.

The now-nine year old boy was left at the streets of Yiling asking vendors the way to yunmeng.

Instead of an actual response, he was thrown with stones. He spent his time trying to find food from garbage when he heard growls once again.

Flashbacks seem to occur to him.

As the wolves try to hunt for their prey, he starts backing up. Until he heard someone shoo them away.

He opened his eyes and saw a man in purple robes with a calm smile. It reminded him of someone– his dada.

"Young boy, are you okay?" Asked the man in purple robes.

Wei ying nodded his head and asked, "are you.. Jiang Fengmian?" While taking his hand to stand up.

"Yes I am, what is your name, little one? Where are your parents?"

The boy looked down "This one's name is Wei Ying.. Mama and Dada died when we were night hunting a year ago.."

"You're… Changze-gege's son.." Jiang Fengmian looked down and asked "Wei Ying.. do you want to go home with me? I have kids too. And my Boy is the same age as you"

The little boy looked convinced. "May I?" Fengmian then nodded.


Hi everyone! I'm sorry this took longer than I expected! I was thinking on many plot twists on this fanfic lol. But anyways, don't forget to vote! Thank you

- Avehlia

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