Ch. 25 the what if that turned to reality

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Hua Cheng and Xie Lian arrived at the mortal realm. They walked a little and saw that they were at yiling. All of the people look somewhat happy and celebrating yet scared? Xie Lian walked closer to a shopkeeper and asked. "Hello! My partner and I are rogue cultivators. Could you tell me what happened here?" The shopkeeper was hesitant at first but then opened his mouth to speak.

"There was actually a war that happened not so long ago. Sunshot, where all cultivators kill all the Wens. It was mainly led by the major sects. But they won all thanks to Wei Wuxian. The yiling patriarch."

Xie Lian looked at Hua Cheng "San Lang, that's the person Ling Wen said that was rumored to be another resentful holder, what if another calamity has been born?" San lang looked at him and replied "we don't know yet for sure gege, we'll see. "

The shopkeeper then spoke once again. "The Yiling laozu was an enthusiastic Head disciple from Yunmeng before. I don't know what's his relation to them now that he uses demonic energy. Just a week ago, there was actually a gathering of all major and minor clans to take down the yiling patriarch.." The man hesitated before continuing. "It is said that Wei Wuxian jumped off a cliff. There were rumors saying he's dead. Part of me wishes he is and at the same time, he isn't"

"May I ask why?", Xie Lian. "Well, if he's alive— he is still considered as a demonic cultivator and clans won't stop hunting him down until he dies. And if he's dead, cultivators would spawn his sould back up just to kill him once agian and we're all doomed… the child needs rest and people wont stop I pray to God everyday and night for that child's safety"

(You're talking to a God and a king tho?)

"I see.. Thank you for sharing this information." Xie Lian bowed to the man and walked away with San Lang beside him. "I can't help but to think about it… if Wei Wuxian was a head disciple before, how did he become a demonic cultivator?" Hua Cheng replied "Maybe he had no choice. If that man said he was enthusiastic, it was either he was forced to, or was abused to the point of deciding to take the dark path." Xie Lian looked at him attentively "Abused?" Hua Cheng nodded his head. "Most kids— teenagers who are abused either mentally, physically, or verbally tend to smile a lot to hide their pain."

"I was also that kid once." Hua Cheng added while both of them are walking. "San Lang could always tell me what's wrong" Xie Lian smiled at him "okay." Hua Cheng softly smiled back and kissed his forehead before continuing their journey.

The couple then stayed at a nearby inn. They slept uncomfortably in each other's arms. They were 3, the middle was supposed to be their son. Looking to now, it's only the two of them left.

The next day was like any other day they had. Waking up to each other's embrace but felt a cold part missing. They got themselves ready for the mission and left the inn.

Arriving at the town full of people. Xie Lian asked one of the vendors where the burial mounds' location was and where to go. As the couple walked to the direction the burial mounds are located, Xie Lian saw the mounds. It was really reeking blood but no bodies were found.. except for a kid who's in a corner who's blood is now dried up and skin is pale and rotting with burn marks. It was traumatizing.

Xie Lian gave the child a proper burial and went inside the cave. There were talismans everywhere. With toys scattered on the floor. This Wei Wuxian person has been living inside a cave and his bed is rock. With a table beside the rock‐bed. Hua Cheng walked up to the table with Xie Lian and analyzed the messy papers and drawings? There were drawings by a child. It's no wonder that it's the child from a while ago.

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