Ch. 21 Brothers to enemies?

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"WEI WUXIAN?!" screamed Wen Chao.
The soldiers who surrounded Lan Wang Ji was now dead so he used this moment to run towards his Wei Ying.

Wei Ying has resentful energy surrounding him. His eyes turned crimson red. Aiming at Wen Chao, he smirked and informed him..

"Did you know? I learned this trick from your personal guard" he gestures his hands open and aims at Wen Chao, not even 10% of his speed- Wen Chao was now coreless.

Holding the golden-like ball in his hands, he crushes it. Wei Ying played the flute once again and summoned Wang Ling jiao- Wen Chao's mistress- who is now a corpse, and started eating him. Even his dick.

The sunshot campaign finally ended and Lan Wangki quickly hugged the quite smaller Wei ying. (Because I said so and my bb deserves to be babied)

"I was so worried..." Lan Wangji says, while kissing his hair. Wei Ying hugged back and patted his back. "I'm sorry"

"A-xian!" Lan Haozhi shouted. Wei Ying's head turned back and shouted "Dad!" And hugged him. "We were so worried! Especially wangji-" he stopped when he saw his OWN son glaring at him "I'm sorry, I just got into a situation that's all ehehe" he said, scratching his head.

"Wei wuxian! We heard you were thrown in the burial mounds!" Jiang Wanyin yelled out. "Jiang Cheng, I wouldn't be here if I were thrown in the burial mounds, Am I?" The other just rolled his eyes while Wei Ying looked back at Jiang Fengmian. He was ignoring him with a cold glare. His eyes and head went down as Lan Zhan held his hands. "Come back to cloud recesses with me"

Wei Ying smiled sadly "I can't go back yet but... someday, I will. I promise..." Zhan just smiled understandingly and kissed the back of his hands, leaving Wei Ying blushing like a Tomato.


"XIAN GEGE!!!! MY A-NIANG IS HERE !!!" a-yuan shouted while welcoming Wei Ying with a hug. "Hahahaha! I'm back, did A-yuan miss me?"

"Mhm! I Thought you left a-yuan alone..." he could see his eyes glistening with tears so he wiped it with his thumb and kissed his forehead. "A-niang won't leave A-yuan. I promise"

"A-niang and A-die play with a-yuan!" The little boy drags Wei Ying and he asks "Who's your A-die?" Wen Yuan giggles and grabs Lan Wangji's hand. "A-die! Play with A-niang and A-yuan!" This shocked Wei Ying and Wang Ji smiled and nodded.

"L-lan zhan..?" Lan wang ji looked up and smirked at him. He came closer to wei ying and whispered into his ear... "wanna have a family like this... a-niang~?" Making sure to make the last part seductive as the other was redder than a tomato. Lan Wangji chuckled and continued to play with his son.

"Lan zhan! Shameless!"


Did you hear? The now infamous wei wuxian from Yunmeng Jiang is using demonic cultivation?

Oh my gosh...!

Lock your doors at night and protect your kids..! We never know what he's up to next...!

Jiang Yanli couldn't take the gossip anymore. After his beloved didi cut all his connection to the Jiang Clan, it started to get gloomy in lotus pier. Her mother is still nowhere to be found, her Father is in a bad mood, her brother is training the disciples, and her other brother left the sect.

When she heard that his didi is staying in the burial mounds and creating an army of wen. She decided to try and stop her brother by herself.

But things started to go south when she heard rustling and eerie noises around her. "Shijie?" Wei Ying confirmed. "A-xian!" She opened her arms to attempt hugging her brother but she suddenly stopped. This alerted wei ying "shijie? What happene-"

"So you actually came back, Hua Ying."

A voice echoed from behind of Jiang Yanli. It was him again. Bai wuxiang used his own spiritual energy to freeze yanli and make her levitate. "Put her down!" Wei Ying commanded. "Try and catch me first." He said- disappearing along with Jiang Yanli. He looked behind and saw Jiang Cheng with eyes wide.

"A-cheng! I..-"

"Jiejie... jiejie disappeared.. JIEJIE DISAPPEARED BECAUSE OF YOU!"

"No..! A-cheng no! It's not- "Wei Ying tried to protest but the other did not believe it. "Wei wuxian! You lured my sister into handing herself! You fucking!-" Jiang Wanyin was gonna punch him but Wei Ying bursted into hundreds of golden butterflies.

Wei wuxian. I will surely kill you..


Jin Guangshan is sitting down on his throne thinking. "Father... what are you thinking about?" Meng yao- now known as Jin Guangyao asked. "Silence! You are not my son! Unless..."

Jin Guangyao got on his knees and kowtowed in front of his father- His sect leader. "I am sorry, sect leader! Please forgive this one!!!" Jin Guang Shan smirked at the thought that came across his mind. "Address me as your father if... you succeeded in getting Wei Wuxian's Amulet and Flute. Go!" Jin Guangyao smiled and nodded and rushed back into planning. He knows that boy is smart if it involves his desires.

"Get ready Wei Wuxian. Your downfall is just at the corner. "


To be continued


Phew! This took long! Hahaha! But if you liked this story, make sure to vote and comment!

- Avehlia

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