Ch. 27 Strong

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The couple woke up in the guest rooms of Gusu Cloud recesses. They were exempted to stay there for as long as they wanted. Lan Wangji knew that this couple was Wei Ying's parents. The clad in red really looks alot like him but he got his kindness from the other man in white.

By the time the couple were staying for almost a week, Hua Cheng would see the second master Lan training very hard. Lan Zhan sensed someone was close by and saw Wei Ying's father.

He took a break as Hua Cheng walked over to him. "You're pretty focused on your training? Is there a reason for you to get stronger?" Lan Wangji looks at him. "I want to protect my beloved." Hua Cheng is content with his answer.

"I did that too." Lan Wangji looked at him. "I was a frail boy before, I wanted to protect my beloved. So I spend years just to become stronger— to protect my beloved. I want to stand next to him…" Hua Cheng looked up to the sky. It wasn't a clear blue but neither was it gray. "I was strong enough to protect him." He looked down "but I wasn't strong enough to protect both of them." He felt Lan Wangji's gaze on him.

He looks at him with tired eyes. "I couldn't protect our son, despite how strong I am. Ironic isn't it?" There were tears forming in his eyes that wouldn't break out. "I have a son your age or a year younger." He looks up once again. "His smile is like my beloved. Hair black like mine, eyes hazel but you could see a whole different world.." He wanted to cry but he is strong.

Hua Cheng took a deep breath. "I wonder how my son is doing… Is he getting rest? Is he waiting for us? Will he be back home again?" Lan Wangji gaped. "That's why.." he looks at him and pointed at his heart. "Protect this beloved of yours forever... I had lost my husband before but now I lost my child."

It took long for lan wangji to reply

"I want to ascend."

To protect him. Was left Unspoken

Hua Cheng smiled, "well then, let's see what you've got." Hua Cheng picked up a random sword and got into position. Swords were clancing and it looked like They're dancing.

It has been like that for a week, Hua Cheng would give tips and the correct mindset for wangji to use for fighting. A week went by, when Xie Lian had to go back to the heavens to deal with some issues. Of course, Hua Cheng went with him. Fengxin and Muqing— in their Nan feng and Fu yao skins, went after Hualian.

Wangji was doing his usual routine in training when his core suddenly felt hot. He processed the pain before falling onto the ground. His whole body beamed with light as that light. He looked around and saw many people dressed in lavish robes and they were looking at him. The place looked like heaven

Wei Ying sneaked into the other dungeons and saw all the missing kids. They were all bleeding and crying. That sick motherfucker intended to use all of these kids just to get him?

"Are you kids alright?" The kids were shaking when they heard a voice. "Don't worry, I'm not here to hurt you… I'm here to set you free." He looked around and saw a boy, probably younger than him but older than the rest of them. "You..I want you to guide everyone out of here. Here is the map of this place." He handed a scroll that fit into the cell. Wei Ying bit his finger to let out some of his blood and manipulated that blood into a key. The kids all hugged him and thanked him while crying. "Just make sure no one will catch you, okay?" All of them nodded and rushed out. 

Wei Ying was again alone. He looked around to see if the other cells had people in there. There were none. He checked multiple times. Maybe they're not here. Maybe they're not in the dungeon. Maybe they're somewhere else far from the dungeons.

Wei Ying hid in the corners of the place unnoticed by the guards. It was already 4am. Time went by so fast. Or is this place that huge that you have to run to the other side?

Once Wei Ying passed through the way he walked towards the dungeons, the next destination was the rooms. He has to be more extra careful from now on. One ambush and it's all over.

Making his way to the guest rooms. He passed by one room but walked back again as he sensed a familiar energy inside… he went in and the energy is still in that room. He checked all corners. Not until he accidentally knocked over a book causing a thud and what revealed in the bookcase, a lever. That lever opened the bookshelf and led to a secret room. The familiar energy was now getting closer.

He heard sobs coming from a woman. He quickly held his pocket knife and peeked through. They were facing the other side so Wei Ying couldn't see who they were…

"Hello?" He let out a small whisper for the two people to look at him. His arms dropped when he saw…


Kidding hahaha

Jin Zixuan comforting his sister. "Shijie..?" The two looked at him in shock. "A-axian!" She went to hug him so tight. "Shijie, I'm so sorry… I'm so sorry it took me this long to find you…" Jiang Yanli held his cheek. "It isn't your fault, a-xian.." Wei Wuxian looked over to Jin Zixuan. "What about you? How did you get here??" Jin Zixuan let out a sigh "I heard my Father talking to a man with a mask. He was planning on killing you and taking over the cultivation world. Taking hostage of all clan heirs so that he would rule the whole cultivation world. I got caught by.. Wen Ruohan and was sent down here." Wei Wuxian replied, "I hate to ask you this, but are you okay? Did they hurt you?"

Jin Zixuan smirked, "why? Is my brother in law worrying about me?"

"No you idiot. Just answer the question!"

"A-xian, A-xuan."

"Okay okay, I'm okay, They did punch me in the face or two but it doesn't hurt that much now. I never really liked my father so I'm not hurt mentally."

Wei Ying nodded and looked back at his sister. "There are more kids locked in some rooms. Shijie, I need you to get out of here and go to the lan clan while young master Jin can free up the remaining kids. Here" Wei Ying handed Jin Zixuan talismans and activated a talisman for his sister. "It'll protect you. Now go!" He called once again for jin Zixuan after Zixuan kissed his sister's forehead. "Zixuan. Try and look into the bookshelves in each room, there might be a secret room there." The boy nodded and went ahead.

Wei Ying looked around and saw that this room is like another secret dungeon. He got out and saw someone's back turned around in an empty but big room.


This is the real To be continued hahahaha. I have been getting comments on my past chapters of "when are you posting?" A d stuff like that. I wanted to reply, "soon. In 800 years" but I didn't have time 😂

I apologize for a late chapter since I am starting a new school year and I have to prepare myself (mentally) 🧍‍♀️🧍‍♀️🧍‍♀️
(Yes I still go to school) 

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But once again, thank you for reading my story! Please comment your thought and vote! 💕💕

– Violet

Season 1: Golden Promises Hua Ying Where stories live. Discover now