Ch.19 Three months

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Chapter 19 (burial mounds arc)

Surrounded by dark energy, his heart is starting to ache badly. Wei Ying opened his eyes in agony and screamed. But no one could hear him..

His once toned skin color is now turning pale and starts to show all his veins. His heart stopped for a brief moment then pulsed once again. Wei Ying fell to the ground, clutching onto his dear life and started crawling. Soon, a large ball of resentful energy attacked Wei Ying and went after his body and mind. Almost killing him.

If it weren't for him being a mix of Yin and Yang- now only Yin energy, He would've been dead. The darkness completely took his body that left him unconscious.


This time, Hua Cheng felt it even stronger than before. It woke Xie lian up too. "What happened, San Lang?" "Gege... Something bad is happening to A-ying.." This woke up Xie Lian Completely. "What!"

The two rushed to Ling Wen, finding answers in the communication Array. To his luck, she couldn't find anything.

Xie Lian looked back at his son's room in paradise manor and saw the book his son used to change his fate.

He started flipping the pages. His eyes went wide...

Xie Lian soon realized HOW the tragedy started when he saw the book on (ch. 5-6) chapter 17 page 1217 on the bottom, there were clues.

"To someone who switched worlds before the age of 17 is most likely to die at the age of 17. With 121 whips and 7 stabs."

Xie lian teared up while reading the clues. He was hugged from the back by his husband- comforting him. "San lang..." he showed what was written on the bottom of the page. Hua Cheng's eyes went wide. He can't let his son suffer.

"Yin yu! Release all the ghosts and find my son! Now!!!" Hua Cheng roared.

Yin yu obeyed and ran out. In less than 6 months will be his 17th birthday...


Three months..

Three fucking months in the burial mounds. Forging the yin iron into a demonic flute, he finally succeeded. It was about surviving. Not living. Wei Ying had to eat corpses and drink dirty water to survive.

After forging a demonic flute, he called it 'ChenQing' and tried getting out of the burial mounds. He went to a nearby stall and bought clothes that fit him.

'I look like my dad... I miss them.' He thought as he walked away.

To be continued

This is probably the shortest chapter I have ever written?(💀) since my head is completely blank and I had to post smth to not leave everyone in a thread.

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