Chapter 6; Runaway PT.1

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Hua Ying woke up with tiredness all over his body. He doesn't need to do anything to feel tired but he still is. Tired mentally.

He then reached out for his qiankun pouch and packed some belongings he might need amd stuffed it inside his robes. He also made sure to at least keep some robes to change into.

He reached out for the box he put under his bed and opened it. The petal, book, and apple is still there.

He opened the book to page 311 once again and didn't bother eating breakfast– "Dad is sure still mad.. i dont want to go outside."

To shift worlds from immortal to mortal– you must find an apple that has been bloomed in the tree of life in heaven and a petal of a withered flower in Ghost realm. With your knife, carve out a circle with an x on your palm and let the blood flow in the petal. Slash your wrist and let the blood flow on the ground forming a cricle and sit there.

And so, he did. Without hesitation, he grabbed his mini knife to bled out his skin and drops of blood flowed in the petal and the circle.

And a drop of blood to the apple, with that– eat the apple while holding the flower petal, chant the words;

As gold as you can be
Help me shift so I can be free.
I pour my blood and I believe,
This will take me to a different place, where I leave.

Be ware of the consequences I face,
The bloodied massacre that will happen in place,
Then I shall fulfill my grace.

Darkness and light awaits me,
With every blood i pour,
This apple shall be the cure.
To end my misery once and for sure.

The boy then held out the apple and petal with his blood– sitting comfortably in the middle of the circle.

Chanting out the words, the circle then glows to red, with each and every words coming out from his mouth, he felt like he was suffocating.

A commotion outside was heard.

"Young master are you okay?"

He didnt answer back. He was too focused with chanting the spell that he didn't realize hes shouting it, the last part.

"Darkness and light awaits me,
With every blood i pour,
This apple shall be the cure.
To end my misery once and for sure!"

A light then struck his room and he was no where to be seen.


Hua Cheng and Xie Lian had the Idea of eating out with tgeir son as a sorry for not being able to spend time with him.

Until then, Hua Cheng heard yin yu calling for him.

"MY LORD!" he turned around to see Yin Yu all fussed up and lacked breath

"H-his prince! He's n-nowhere to be found..! The s-ervants also told me.. there was a huge light inside his r-oom!" He said in between breaths.

This alerted the couple and rushed back to the palace and outside their sons room.

"A-ying! Open the door! Its baba!"
Xie Lian knocked on the door anxious

"A-ying! Its A-die! A-die is sorry for screaming at you!I'm not mad anymore! Please open the door!"

No answer.

They were getting impatient and Hua Cheng had to kick down the door, his eyes widened on what he saw.

Blood on the floor, his mini knife that was given to him to train– now with blood. And a book..

"A-ying...." xie lian had put his hands on his mouth to prevent him from screaming out loud.

"Your highness.. the book is open" Yin Yu gestured the couple to see the page

Xie Lian analyzed the book and he saw from below, the Chapter and the Title

Chapter 6 page 311
"Shifting worlds"

His eyes widened

"No no no no no no no... A-ying!"

"What would happen to the prince?" Asked yin yu

The martial God then turned to page 1217 chapter 17

"One who shifts worlds must accept the consequence of faith. Must it be pain, agony... or worse, banishment and death "

No.. he can't let his son experience what hes been through before.. it will hurt him..

Oh A-ying.. we're sorry our baobei..


In the mortal realm

Dogs barking can be heard and The boy was running through different directions.

He then got away from the dogs aand layed down under the tree while his scars and wounds are bleeding.


(I would like to say that everyone should pay attention to close details because it will mean something. Foreshadowing.

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