chapter 5 enchanted forest

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Turned the book to page 311

"Cancelling ties; Shifting worlds
Human Realm                
Ghost realm
Heavenly realm

"The right page it is" Hua ying said breathless as he smirked. Skimming through the words, he saw a particular article fact hes been looking for.

Shifting worlds

To shift worlds from Human to Ghost realm... no. He doesn't need that. He can do that with the dice his father gave him.

Shifting worlds between Immortal realm to mortal realm    the boy smirked under his breagh and started reading.

To shift worlds from immortal to mortal– you must find an apple that has been bloomed in the tree of life in heaven and a petal of a withered flower in Ghost realm. With your knife..

The page mezmorized the boy. He couldn't possibly put this back right? He decided to keep the book under his bed and switched his night robes to normal robes.

He walked out his room like nothing happened earlier. He was like a walking maniac..

'Withered petal... any flower will do since it didm't clarify.' He thought as he left paradise manor, pass the streets of ghost realm, to the old yard that has been abandoned by ghosts.

As soon as he picks up the petal, the ground was shaking to the point there were cracks.

And a growl was heard. Hua Ying then puts the petal inside his robes to prevent it from getting blown away by the wind and he runs.

He was getting chased by this unknown creature and hid in a stall in ghost city.

"Young master, what are you doing here?"

A random store owner asked. The boy looked up and gave an akward smile

"Oh! Nothing! I was just.. um, playing with my butterfies!"

"Okay, take care young master."

He gave a small smile then head back (more likely, snuck back) in his room and put the petal in a container and hid it under his bed

"Now.... an apple? Is this snow white?ugh."

A knock was heard.

"Young master, dinner is served."
A servant in the palace of Hua Cheng said.

"I'm not hungry. Save it for later." The younger boy replied. Knowing his parents would be buzy to even have dinner with him, he has no appetite to eat.

'I must find that apple..'


"Baba.. can I go to heavenly realm with you? I want to read a few more books there..."

His lies along with his fake face worked on xie Lian.

(I'm using the term baba for xie lian since I dont want to confuse everyone here)

"Sure, make sure u behave"


Hua Ying then snuck out of heaven court upto the enchanted forest of the heavens. 'Its so beautiful' the young boy thought.

As he walked– admiring the beautiful trees alog with the leaves falling, petals swaying, cold wind gushing, and the calming rivers' sound.. he then saw a tree from a distance.
It wasnt just an ordinary tree.

This tree reflects white, gold, and light blue– representing the beauty of the forest. Crystalizing the branches, and the light blue leaves swaying? This is so...


He then went closer to the tree and saw a new bloomed golden apple. He jumps up and tries to grab an apple- to his success, he did it.

"Thank you, I shall go now" bows and leaves.

So his mother wont be questioning him, he decided to grab books from his Yima– Ling wen and head back "home."

"Ahhh... what a day"

He looks over at the book and sighs. He then heard his Father yelling. Again.

"Hua Ying! Why didn't you eat your dinner?!"
Screamed the king outside the door.

"I'm not hungry!" Shouted back the boy behind the door.

"If you wont eat, you'll get sick!"

'Even if I get sick, none of you will ever look out for me. Ever. Whats the point of even getting sick when no one wants to stay and take care if me..?'

Hua Ying then just gave his father the silent treatment, not shouting back.

"If thats what you want, then Fine!"

He heard stomling. The footsteps were getting far away now.

*sigh* 'when will everything be like before?'


Hellooooo thank you for reading this chapter!!! Although I updated a very short chapter in almost a week, I am so sorry!

Please dont forget to vote!!!thank you!

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