ch. 23 come back to gusu with me

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"Where are you a-ying..."

Xie Lian said as he kneels on the side of his little baobei's bed. Hua Cheng came in and hugged his beloved. Xie Lian looked up and returned the hug of his husband. "San Lang... he'll turn 17 soon..! Yet all of this is already happening... I want- need my baby back..!" Hua Cheng held him tighter and kissed his forehead "We'll find him.."

They both cried and slept together in their son's bedroom, to feel his presence.

Wei Ying was trembling. The little boy wasn't moving nor breathing anymore. And, he could still hear the cultivators shouting from a distance.


"KILL HIM!" Chanted. With torches held up above. The 16 year old boy- turning 17, Hua Ying was traumatized and scared as blood dripped down his forehead and arms.

"I guess there is no end to this pain, huh?" A smile of pity and regret. He had left everything behind. His Family in the heavens, the ghost city, His Mama and dada( cangse sanren and wei Changze), Lotus pier, Dafan wens, his a-yuan...

Monsters. Ghosts. Demons. Cultivators.
... friends.. acquaintances, "allies" were all ganging up on him. He saw a hint of white clothes and that mask...

That mask with a half-smiling, half-crying mask.. it's looking at him. He had no choice but to fight back from the cultivators. He heard a familiar shout. "HUA YING!" his eyes widened and looked back at the person who screamed his former name. Lan wangji.

"Wei ying please!! Stop this!" Desperate, Lan Wangji tries. "How?! How should I stop this?! The news of everyone whom i know and love is either disappearing and dying!! Tell me Lan Wangji, How can I stop this!?" Despair, anger, and sadness was all Wei Ying can feel. Oh to feel that "Home" he once used to know, feel...

"Wei ying....

...Come back to gusu with me.."

He didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Eyes that are red turned to meet the gold. It was beautiful. He somewhat remembered what happened years ago. That boy who gave him that necklace...

He was supposed to answer but he was held hostage by the cultivators. Jiang Wanyin was behind him. "You demon... you took my sister and mother away!!!" He proceeded to whip him in front of every cultivator. Lan Wangji was held by the Jin's and protested. His hands were tied behind his back. He doesn't have the strength nor courage to fight anymore. His eyes turning tired.

(Chapter 19)
Xie Lian soon realized HOW the tragedy started when he saw the book on (ch. 5-6) chapter 17 page 1217 on the bottom, there were clues.

"To someone who switched worlds before the age of 17 is most likely to die at the age of 17. With 121 whips and 7 stabs."

But instead of 7 stabs, he received more than what he could count. He was stabbed by a yellow clothed man. "You probably don't know me, I am Jin Guangyao. "Jin Guangyao smirked as he proceeded to stab him more. The crowd roars with excitement. The next in line to /tries/ kill him was Jiang Fengmian. This time, the stabbings were much more aggressive and worse.

It hurts... why can't I die...

It hurts, It hurts, It hurts, It hurts, It hurts, It hurts, It hurts, It hurts, It hurts, It hurts, It hurts, It hurts, It hurts, It hurts



At that point, he was already immortal..
He can't breathe properly. That one time his luck managed to get him out of the situation with the sword Jin Guangyao followed by Jiang Fengmian accidentally cutting the rope around his wrist. He still manages to escape that hell hole wherein all chief cultivators try to kill him. Hua Ying managed to get away a few meters Before coming to a dead end. He was at the top of the mounds.

"If I jump.. I still won't die.." looking down at the fire below the mountain. He soon heard multiple voices shouting at him. "I guess there's only one way.." thought- wei ying.

"WEI WUXIAN!" A familiar voice called out to him. His brother. Jiang Cheng. "WEI YING!" lan zhan caught up to him

He was stabbed by his own brother and smiled at his beloved one last time? before disappearing into thousands of bloody red butterflies into the air.


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