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Hey readers, I hope you're enjoying the story story far and I know I've been falling behind in updating weekly but hey life is a soup and I'm a fork :)

Anyways enjoy and don't forget to vote, comment and share.


''So Adriano, what were you saying regarding the marriage? Uh, a proposition?'' I can sense the rigidness in his body that fails to hide the uncertainty in his mind. If I play my cards right, I'll have father on my side. Eventually, nothing will come between my mishka and I. But, if things go wrong, there's always a bloodbath awaiting us. 

''I believe the contract would have a loophole now, don't you think so?'' As if my suspicions were correct about him not being her biological father, his jaw clenches. ''Apparently, Sofia is the heiress now and it messes with the contract.''

''Well, we could always alter it.'' He answers, wary of my words. Alan has always been a cunning creature and I'm not surprised he's been adamant to an extent. But all creatures have a weakness and so does he. 

''I'm not asking you to break off the alliance. It would be a waste of time with more danger growing from the American's side.'' I cut the conversation short when it seems he becomes aware of the deal I wish to propose, however, neither of us mention it. The tension hangs thick in the air and I can visually see the irritation on his face. 

''I heard Alexander will be back tomorrow, actually he's here right now, in Italia.'' I know what he's trying to play at. He probably thinks that he can use my father as leverage against me, to stake a hold on me, to stop me from correcting the contract. And if I'm right about him not being Sofia's biological father, his hesitance speaks that my gut is right. 

The itch to grab onto the last key to figuring it out crawls up my skin as I skim through the text message Ares sent me a minute ago. The DNA test. Yet the, actual itch that bothers me in an infuriating way is how I desperately want to push away Samantha and grab Sofia, plopping her on my lap and claiming my ownership on her.

She's mine and yet the circumstances fail to allow me to stake my claim. We both exit his office accompanied by Alan's personal bodyguard, Laurent. Something about him strikes me in the wrong way but when have I ever been not wary of the people surrounding me. 

As we approach the overly decorated dining room, I find Sofia sulking by the fireplace, but her demeanor evokes anger and calmness at the same time. She was carved into my mind in such a way that only I could notice the slight flare of her nostrils as she tried to breathe through the suffocating atmosphere. Same baby. Same. 

All I want to do when I get back, is to run my tongue up her smooth legs and dip my tongue into her valley before I take her. The urge to not stop is too strong right now but the thought that she might not still be out of her comfort zone cuts through deeper. My slacks tighten at the crotch of doing unimaginable deeds to her. Having her plump lips wrapped around the girth of my cock, slippery with her spit and the way she would groan when my cock hit the back of her throat.

Consoling myself to stay down was tough when the thought of her crossed my mind, with her countless shameless moans as she would ride me, and a bead of sweat would trickle down between her glorious tits. Just when I'd feel her tightening around me, I'd fist her long dark hair and pump her full of my cum.  

Samantha's lips on my cheek reel me out of the erotic thought as she bids me goodbye in a way more showing than necessary and I have to step back to stop her from continuing to do so. Sofia hugs Alan goodbye, then his wife and finally gives an awkward smile to Samantha before she gives me one glance and then wraps her arm around Ronan's and leaves for the car without sparing me another glance. 

A pang of jealousy overcomes me and I run towards her like a fucking puppy. She has no idea how badly she has me wrapped around her finger. Before Ronan could take the driver's seat, I clasp the door with my fingers and without having to even explain myself, Ronan vacates the seat giving Sofia a helpless look. Ronan smirks at me but with a slight warning in his gaze. 

Climbing in, the sweet cherry smell of hers takes over my head and I pull out of the driveway, chasing through the cars on the road, to reach home so I could spread those legs of hers and dive in with my tongue. Make her feel how desperate I am for her, how I would never let her leave now. No matter what came in between. Fuck the alliance.

How my arms reach out for her at night, the same ones that have seen more than a man could ever endure. How she is the only one who could point a gun at me, and I'd gladly take the pain from her hands, like an offering. She is my queen

She slammed the door shut and folded her arms together as if to prove a point and if any she did prove was that she looked so sexy when she was angry. I smiled and pulled out the driveway, making our way back home. Then very slowly, I started off. ''Sof, you have to trust me. I'll fix whatever this is and I just want to say that I am sor-

''Really? You expect me to trust you after all this? I thought you'd tell me this at least.'' The rest of whatever she was saying drowned out when I caught two headlights in the rear-view mirror. A black car had been tailing us since we had left but I thought it was supposed to be Ronan behind us. Great. I need to make sure she's safe. 

''Fuck, baby. I need you to listen to me carefully.'' She abruptly turns to look at me. 

''What? Is something wrong?'' She seemed more sad than angry. I have to protect her at all costs was the only thought that ran through my mind then. 

''I need you to take out the gun that I told you about.'' She froze for a moment as if registering whatever I was saying and quickly took out the lethal item from the compartment to check if it was loaded while I kept driving at the same speed to make them realise that we were aware. ''And I need you to protect yourself if anything happens. A car has been tailing us since we left. Don't panic, if something happens, I need you to call Ares.'' I hand her my phone. 

''Ad, we'll be okay, nothing will happen. You must be used to this stuff.'' She's right but I never had someone so important to me sitting right beside me. I clasp her hand and squeeze it as reassurance. 

''Sofia, get down!'' Bullets rained all over us as I stepped on the accelerator. We only had ten bullets. Four in hers and six in mine and by the rain of bullets, it was easy to comprehend that they were more equipped. I swerved from one side to the other of the road. The car was bulletproof, I could easily lose them if I drove faster, smarter or I could even lure them to one of my warehouses. 

But suddenly, the car crashed into the rear of our car sending Sofia screaming as she grabbed onto the gun in her hands. ''Sofia, I need you to drive. Get on my seat this moment, I need my brave girl here.'' 

She shook her head as if convincing herself and grabbed onto the wheel as I opened the roof of my car, and shot one of the tyres of their car. This sent them jerking to the side while Sofia drove faster. 

But then, one of the men shot me in my fucking arm, sending the gun to the floor of the car. They gained speed and slammed into us from the side, just where Sofia was driving. And before I could register what was happening, we reeled off the road slamming into a tree. For a moment, my ears rung and my vision was blurred.

''Ad, the car is not starting up, aahhh!'' Her voice pulls me out. One of the guys opened the door to her side, pulling her outside as she begged for them to leave her. I took her gun from the seat and shot the guy holding her when suddenly a pang of pain came from the back of my head. ''Ad!''

I fell to the ground, blood leaving my head and arm. The other guy grabbed her again while the other kicked me in the face and abdomen relentlessly. There were three guys. Fuck, I need her. I won't forgive myself if anything happened to her. He tugged at her hair and my blood boiled at the sight. My hands reached for the gun and the next second I pulled the trigger, sending the guy keeping her captive to the ground. 

The guy pressed onto my wound as a grunt escaped my mouth. Then out of nowhere, I heard a gunshot. Sofia. My heart stopped for a second but then it continued to beat when I felt the man beside me fall to the ground, another three bullets shooting into his body. 

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