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You know what this means 18+  and also now know that this ** means the end of 18+


We ended up in my bathtub as I cleaned her up. She was spent and already dozing off on my chest by the time I rinsed us clean. Her muscles were tensed from our earlier activities and workout, hopefully a massage would ease them. I wrapped her up in a towel like a sexy and cute burrito and laid her on the bed. I slipped my shirt on her and carefully put boxers on her before wearing one too. 

Both our bodies were caressed by the heavenly sheets; making me fight sleep to look at her for a few more minutes. As if all the anger had dissipated from my body, the hurt had left only to meet our truce in bed. Just a few hours' sleep before she'd start asking questions. 

When I woke up, she was still asleep like a little baby. I headed to my office in a pair of sweatpants to check on my emails. I was supposed to meet up with Alan to discuss the contract and instead found an email from my father's assistant on how he'd be making a visit to his home in Italy and will most likely be interested in meeting up. Life for him was nothing but a formality. Wake up, eat, shower, kill, trade, fuck and finally go to sleep before repeating the entire process again. 

I despised him for signing that contract in the first place but was surprised to hear a hint of concern for Sofia when he go to know about her being alive after all these years. I wanted to use that concern to change the contract or hell even destroy it if Sofia wasn't ready for marriage yet.

Part of me training to become a leader was understandable and his actions too. But, that did not give him the right to distance himself from me. Mother's death had struck everyone hard and he didn't get to disappear for so many months. He loved Sofia too. Like his own daughter, but sometimes I felt like he was hiding something from me. 

And my gut was telling me that it had everything to do with Sofia. It had been a while since he last visited us. I scrolled down the emails, replying to whichever seemed necessary when the door to my office opened. Surprisingly, she didn't knock this time. 

''We should talk.'' She was still in the shirt with nothing beneath. This conversation was going to be tough. She passed a cup of hot chocolate to me and set a plate of marshmallows on my desk before settling into the seat opposite mine. Her face grew pink when she caught me staring at her. 

''So, what do you want to talk about?'' Her lips pursed in frustration when I refused to be logical about the situation and instead played around with her. 

''You know what I'm talking about.'' She groaned, putting a marshmallow in her mouth. 

''Well, I hope you enjoyed those orgasms. Anything else?'' By now her eyes were glowing with anger as she muttered incoherent words under her breath. ''Care to repeat that?'' Instead of replying, she stood, strode towards me before kneeling in between my legs, her face before my open knees, so close to my crotch. 


''I forgot something.'' Her hand ran up my knees, dangerously close to my crotch and then within a second she gripped onto my bulge. Her brown eyes staring up at me as she stroked me from outside. Abruptly, my cock felt the cool air as she pulled down my sweats.Bold.

''Fuck, stop playing with me mishka. I never asked you to touch me, did I?'' My question was addressed to her need to be controlled. She responded to my commands in such a way that made her trust me. 

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