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I wanted nothing more than to hit myself for being a notorious fucker. I can't describe what I am feeling apart from the fact that I'm on cloud nine and that there's no way I'll be getting my head out of that cloud any time soon. She's keeping me sane and I hate myself for it. I'm lying to both her and Samantha. 

Samantha and I did sleep together, several times but that was all almost an year ago, way before Sofia came back into my life. Then, we just went separate ways and stopped playing the faithful act. And despite that, Samantha is desperate enough to stoop as low as ever known to mankind, to get what she wants. This marriage and its power. 

On the other hand, Sofia does know that Samantha is her step sister, but not the fact that she is my fucking fiance all because of a ridiculous contract. I was damned the moment Sofia laid against me last night. I was sure that I had to get rid of the contract before she found out, or I could just spill it out in front of her. The latter was safer, but not until I found a loophole valid enough in the contract to make it null and void. 

The next thing that crawled my mind was the question Alex held for me before his death. Was Sofia really not Alan's daughter?

The only person who could answer my question at this point was the one who gave a rise to this all. Her mother, Maria. I needed to find her and fast. A moan makes my train of thoughts crash as I look down to the beauty in my arms. Her brows pinched together as she mumbles something and then, gives birth to her breathtaking brown eyes. 

I look at my marks on her skin and kiss them, rubbing her arm to see the goosebumps on it rise. She made me feel like I managed to break through the Russian prison. The fear had caught up to me, I thought I had crossed a boundary when she pulled off the makeshift blindfold. Instead, she wanted me to look at her. And I fucking did. I worshipped her from head to toe with my eyes. She was beautiful. She is. 

She blushed when I kissed her lips, her hands travelling to my hair, making me groan with her soft pulls. I pulled back to ask her something I imagine I would never do. ''You wanna date me?'' Great way to go fucking idiot. Her eyes widened. ''It's okay if you think it's too early. Fuck, I just can't stop thinking of you Sofia. I don't wanna give you a lame title of being my girlfriend, it's a little childish for me. I want you to be a part of me.''

''Would you do the fucking honour to make me a part of you, mishka?'' 

The anticipation to know her answer was killing me and I was a damned fucker when I was spewing such poetry lines in the morning. What is she doing to me? The minute that passed felt like an hour when all she did was bury herself in my chest and blush. And then I heard it. Yes. Fuck.

''Yes, Ad. I- I would love to be yours.'' The sensation that wrecked through me was so much better than the relief I felt when I ruined my rivals. ''I like you a lot too.'' I enveloped her lips with mine stealing her breath and words. 

Her fingers absentmindedly traced the tattoos on my chest. I couldn't help but place soft kisses on her temple when she finally met my gaze. I smiled. Just so I could see hers yet the only thing she could do was blush and hide from me. Refusing to accept defeat, I placed tickly kisses all over her face and then in her tickly spots. She began giggling and tried to pry my face off but I pinned her wrists to the mattress and stayed in between her thighs, kissing her everywhere. 

Her giggles echoed in the room, little tears at the corner of her eyes and her face growing red. If only I could see her like this everyday.  

The day passed away excruciatingly as the hours felt like an eternity. I was back to work with Sofia at the penthouse. I looked through the fucking marriage contract trying to find a loophole to stop this marriage as soon as possible. And I did. Clause number 6 stated that the heir of the Marcellos shall wed Adriano Enzo Calveti, me. And since Samantha was younger than Sofia, the legal heir was Sofia. Amusing, the term legal in the world of the illegals. 

I don't remember Alan getting a death certificate on Sofia's name, so she is apparently considered alive despite her sudden and long disappearance. What becomes more interesting is clause 9. The parents of the bride and groom are to be the main witnesses of the wedding following any other member, which means that I have a chance to get Maria back. All through this marriage contract. 

My phone's ring brings me out of the whole contract as I receive it. ''Hey Ad, how's everything holding up in the office?'' I recognize Ares' voice before diving through the mails I had received from my business partners. 

''Fine, any problem at the warehouse?''

''Nah, everything's rolling fine since that bastard died. Our shipments just arrived a few minutes ago so I though of informing you since you seem a little busy nowadays,'' he clears his throat trying to get a reaction out of me. 

''You're acting as if the work is rolling down the wrong side of the hill.'' Sofia has become a part of my schedule and it's not a bad thing. I feel like I am finally experiencing my life. Before, it was all drinks with my men, sex with random girls, warehouse investigations and simply business. Well most of it was business. And apparently the only way to convince my father that I was the man worthy of this position was to prove that I could handle a wife and deliver him an heir. To keep this legacy alive. After all, this empire did not rise in the blink of an eye. 

''Come on man, I can see you blushing because you're thinking of her.'' I grow irritated and was at the brink of giving him a piece of my mind when I heard a knock and a 'can I come in'. My grumbled yes turns into a smile when I see Sofia with a plate full of spaghetti and meatballs. 

''I'm sorry if I disturbed you, you didn't come down for lunch and I-'' she was rambling away as I admired her. Every little detail about her was perfect. It was as if there was nothing around us anymore, just us. Growing up, I realized one thing, I did not deserve love. 

The naivety that accompanies her aura makes me want to ruin her, make her believe that there is no such creature on earth that deserves her kindness, one of them being me. She has been nothing but patient with me. Not arguing regarding the situation with her parents even though she has the whole right to it, not questioning my anger, trying to understand me. I could never ask for more. 

Death could visit me whenever it wished to. There wasn't a bone in my body that would crumble before it. Now, I felt nervous. For the first fucking time. All because she was here, I can't leave her behind and neither can she. In some fucked up dictionary of mine, I named this as an obsession, maybe I was just sexually attracted. 

And I am afraid that the fact that this is no longer an obsession is known by me. It's more than sexual attraction. And everyone fucking knows it when they have been able to keep their dick in their pants for over three months. I don't want to hurt her. Ever. Because I know that my cold heart will fail to give her what she deserves. But, it's tough provided this life that we both were born into. Nevertheless, I will try my best. Because I have promised it to her. 

I never know when I might have to leave her. One day away could turn into weeks, months, years, an eternity till we both fall apart. I never know if I somehow fail to guard my mafia, and never come back. Or even if I do, might be in a wheelchair or in a coma. There is risk at every step. 

But when she wrapped her hands around me, her scent occupying my mind, I knew. It was worth it. ''Thank you, Ad. For everything.''

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