Chapter Two

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-Under the Mountain-

I resisted the urge to scowl as I walked up to the throne Amarantha sat upon. My footsteps were the only sound in the throne room, despite all the people that were in it.

I stopped a few feet before the throne, forcing myself to lower my head in a bow. I looked up to see Amarantha wearing her usual wicked grin. Behind my back, my hands were laced together so tightly I was sure my nails would rip my skin.

"You requested my presence, my lady." I say, keeping my voice and expression neutral. It hadn't come easily, but along the years I had learned how to perfectly hide the blazing fury I felt each time I set my eyes upon the horrible female, learned to conceal the horror and guilt I felt whenever I killed someone at her command.

"I did. I have a task I would like you to complete." She purred, stroking the arm of her black stone throne. That task surely meant torturing or killing someone, if not both. It always did. 

Even after twenty years, the killing never got easier. Even if I had been born to kill, as my father had always told me. I could never bring myself to look them in the eye when I did it. Even if they never felt pain, though no one else knew that. And no one ever could, or else Amarantha would likely make me feel all the pain I had spared others from. Or Rhysand.

Amarantha went out of her way to make sure my brother and I had few chances to speak privately. Though her attempts were futile, because we spoke mind to mind most of the time anyway.

"What is it you would like me to do?" I asked, keeping my voice gloriously bored. I unclasped my hands from each other, ignoring the pain I felt in them. I pretended to smooth out a wrinkle in my midnight blue silk dress.

"I want you to go to the Hewn City." I snapped my gaze to her, my mask dropping for the smallest instant before I schooled it back into careful indifference. Thankfully, Amarantha did not seem to notice.

I felt Rhysand's eyes on me from where he stood beside the throne. By the slightly alarmed look in his eyes, he did not know of this. Which wasn't surprising, considering at this point I outranked Rhys in Amarantha's court. As Amarantha's assassin, I outranked almost everyone, aside from Amarantha herself. Not a single person did not fear and respect me, which some deep wicked part of me delighted in.

"I need you to fetch Keir for me." I simply dipped my head a bit, assuring her that I would get it done. In the twenty years I had been her auxiliary, I had never failed her.

Keir had been sent to the Hewn city, his former home, a little under a month ago. I couldn't even remember why he was sent, but I knew that he was supposed to be back days ago. Which was obviously why I was being sent after him.

"You have until midnight to bring him back. Do not fail me. If you do, you know what the consequences are." She threatened. I nodded again.

"I will not fail you, your highness. I will be leaving in an hour." I say, letting my eyes jump to Rhys. Amarantha smirked in response, and I turned to leave the throne room. I had one hour to prepare both physically and mentally.

Are you going to be alright? Rhysand said into my mind. I kept walking, keeping my face blank as ever. I'll be fine, I said back. 

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