Chapter Fifty Three

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-The Winter Court-

Wrath was all Azriel knew. Brutal, unending rage. He welcomed it, urged it to flow through his body, as cold and unforgiving as the wind that snapped at his face, his wings. Azriel slid into that place of calculating calm, where nothing existed but his instincts and his rage, as he beheld Eris Vanserra gripping his High Lady by the hair, bands of flame around her wrists, her ankles, her throat. 

Fear and agony and a hint of relief flooded Feyre's expression as she saw him, saw Cassian beside him. Azriel's gaze slipped behind Feyre, where Lucien Vanserra was being held down by two of his brothers.

"I suggest you drop my lady," Cassian said, his voice laced with the same lethal calm Azriel felt. Eris gripped Feyre's hair more harshly, the female whimpering in pain. Another wave of anger crashed into Azriel, and he began to count down the seconds before he could unleash himself upon them. Shadows flew all around him, just as eager as he to attack.

Feyre suddenly twisted in Eris's grip, slamming her legs between his. Azriel almost smiled as the male, grunting in pain, doubled over, only for his face to meet Feyre's fists.

And as Cassian lunged towards them, Azriel finally attacked the males behind.

He did not use the sword sheathed along his back. He did not use his power, either- only to shield from the sentries that unleashed arrows towards them from the shore. He wanted to end them in a more intimate, more brutal way. So Azriel used Truth-Teller to answer the blows the two sons of the High Lord of the Autumn Court dealt him.

Azriel hardly noticed Lucien still sprawled on the ice, watching in awe and horror. As if assessing whether he should help. Azriel didn't want him to. He wanted to destroy both of them himself.

Azriel's blade clashed against one of the brother's swords, the sound of steel against steel a song in his blood. He kicked the male in the stomach, causing him to loose his balance and slide on the ice.

Right then Azriel turned to meet the other brother, whose sword was mere inches from his neck. Azriel ducked, then rose, fast as the shadows that trailed him. The male did not have time to reach before Azriel slashed his blade across his wrist.

Metal clunked against ice as the male's sword fell onto the frozen lake, his severed wrist still clamped around it.

Azriel smiled as the male screamed, falling to his knees as he beheld his bleeding arm, now missing a hand. He willed his shadows to wrap around his arms and legs. Before the male could let out a cry for help- or of pain- Azriel kicked him in the stomach.

The red haired male collapsed onto his back, his wrist spraying blood over the ice. Azriel wiped the blood off of Truth-Teller, then knelt over the male, and pressed the blade to his neck. He began weeping, and Azriel smiled.

"Please," the male begged. Azriel pressed the blade harder. A shadow whispered in his ear, telling him Lucien was holding off the other brother, and Cassian and Feyre fought Eris.

"Please what?" Azriel taunted. The male beneath him shuddered.

"Please don't kill me." He sobbed. The shadowsinger leaned in, knife still pressed against his neck as he whispered in his ear.

"You attacked my High Lady," he stated. He felt the male go rigid with realization and terror.

"W-we didn't know."

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