Chapter Twenty Eight

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The cool, soothing breeze that bit at my skin was a reminder that I was not dreaming. 

It felt unreal, to be walking through the beautifully lit city of Velaris with every member of the inner circle, and Feyre of course, speaking of casual things like sports and shops. It had been a while since we had all done something like this, and I couldn't resist the small smile that tugged at my lips. Even the earlier events with Azriel could not stifle my joy.

I'll never give up on you.

"What is it?" Mor whispered, pulling her arm that was interlocked with mine so that I would feel the gentle tug. 

I glanced sidelong at the beautiful female. Mor looked especially beautiful whenever she was in Velaris. Her face lit up in a way that assured me that this was the only place she would ever wish to be, the only place where she felt like her true self.

"Nothing," I said with a small shrug. Maybe it was because tonight was a night where everyone was supposed to relax, but she didn't press me any further. Instead she pointed to a pale pink gown in the window of a store, stating it would go wonderfully with a pair of gloves she had recently acquired. I laughed, telling her she needed to learn to control her shopping urges.

I noticed Feyre lingering behind the group after a while, quietly observing us all. I let go of Mor, who winnowed to Cassian's side and tackled him, and let myself fall behind the group as well.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" I said softly once I was beside Feyre. I stared up at the mesmerizing night sky, the bright stars that bloomed in the velvet black. 

"I wish I had grown up in a place like this," Feyre whispered. I didn't think she had ever told me something so personal- and even though I could tell Rhys was secretly listening to us, I felt the need to tell her something too.

I sighed softly. "Me too. But I suppose it makes you appreciate it more- seeing such a lovely city after spending years trapped in a wretched one." Feyre hummed quietly in response, though the sound was drowned out by a chorus of joyful laughter that sounded in the distance. The female's blue eyes twinkled- and I had never seen her look so peaceful before.

Rhys, who was a few paces in front of us with everyone else, twitched a wing almost imperceptibly. But I knew what it meant, and smiled in response. 

We eventually ended our stroll through the city streets and headed into a small restaurant besides the Sidra. It was strangely familiar, though I couldn't exactly place why-

I paused abruptly as the memories came crushing in my mind. This was the place Azriel had brought me fifty years ago, just the two of us. On one of the best nights of my life, and only a day before Amarantha took me and almost all of Prythian captive.

I instinctively looked to my right, and Azriel had also paused before the entrance, a slightly stunned look in his golden eyes. As if he too, had just realized the significance and irony this place held.

I looked away from his gaze after a second that was too long and yet not nearly long enough, forcing myself to follow the rest of the group inside. 


Azriel made himself sit as far as he possibly could from Asteria. She was between Cassian and Rhys, and Feyre was beside him. Across from her was Mor, then Amren, and lastly, him.

She had clearly recalled when they had come here, probably as vividly as he did. It had been one of the best nights of his long life, followed by one of the worst. This one sat somewhere in between thus far. 

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