Chapter Seventy Five

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I didn't see Azriel after that. Not in the long hours I helped winnow the soldiers to the Winter Court, helped with the injured, ate with the others, or after I woke from a long rest.

I didn't ask for him, either. I knew he was fine. Physically, at least. Cassian and Rhysand were as well, thank the gods. They'd both congratulated me for what I'd done. Cassian had joked that I had robbed them of all the glory. Rhys had only once scolded me for going to the front lines- but had then hugged me tightly and said I had done a good job at making Hybern pay.

Mor and Feyre didn't comment on what had happened after the battle. With Azriel. They'd given me looks, but I had ignored them. Miraculously, they hadn't pressed me about it.

The soldiers and healers who had witnessed it didn't say anything either. But they certainly gave me looks- though I knew they had nothing to do with Azriel.

They had all seen what I'd done. Every single one of them had. I'd expected fear, respect at the most. But the pure admiration in their eyes, I had not anticipated.

A day passed. Then two. Everywhere I went, whispers followed.

I still didn't see Azriel. I overheard Rhys saying he was leading teams of scouts to discover the rest of Hybern's army.

But on the fifth day, Azriel appeared. The sight of him sent my heart fluttering, my blood thrumming. He was panting, his eyes ablaze. But he stopped for a moment- looked to me. Scanned me from head to toe.

Then he turned to Rhysand and Feyre. "Hybern's force is marching up the seam between the Autumn and Summer Courts. Heading for the Winter Court border." He said hurriedly. "I've already warned Kallias and Viviane." He added.

Rhys blinked at him. "That's only half a days flight away," he muttered.

"I know." Azriel said. "I couldn't figure out why either."

My brother nodded. "Thank you, Azriel."

Azriel only bowed his head slightly. Taking that as a dismissal, he turned and made for the exit of the tent. Without so much as another glance in my direction. I only watched him leave.

Once he had disappeared into the camp, I turned back to Rhys and Feyre. 

They both looked at me with raised brows. 

"What?" I demanded. 

As if they had planned it out, their eyes flashed to where Azriel had disappeared and then back to me in the same instant. 

I scoffed. "Busybodies," I muttered, though I stomped out of the tent.

Thanks to his shadows,  Azriel wasn't hard to spot. He stood out during the day, a spot of swirling darkness amidst the light. 

"Azriel," I called, chasing him through the camp. I knew he heard me. Knew he sensed me, even if he kept walking. I caught up to him, grabbing him by the wrist. 

He paused, and turned. Looked down to the hand that grasped his arm. I quickly let go of him. 

For a moment, we only stared at each other. After what had happened the day of the battle, things were impossibly more tense than they had been before. Still, I relished the moment, the brief seconds in which we stood so close. Even if everything between us was ruined, his proximity brought me a sense of comfort unlike anything else.

I finally sighed, reaching for the blade sheathed at my waist. Azriel's eyes remained fixed on my face, as if he could not look away, as I held out Truth-Teller. 

After a few seconds, he looked down at the dagger. I'd cleaned it after the battle, and it's blade glinted in the sun, though darkness still emanated from it. 

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