Chapter Thirty Three

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I could hardly think over the relentless pounding rain, and the relentless intensifying ringing in my head.

I looked up at the sky, using my hand to shield my face from the heavy drops of rain. It was almost time. In my vision, the moon had been directly above the snowed over mountain. And now, it was only minutes, if not seconds from being in that exact position.

I hadn't given Azriel the details of the vision. I hadn't told him that in it, I had been surrounded by at least thirty soldiers pointing swords at me, and that Orion had hit me in the face so hard I had seen stars. Then, I had glimpsed the moon. 

I also hadn't given Azriel, or Cassian, the details of my plan. I hadn't told them anything, aside from the instruction to stay well hidden until my signal, no matter what. I could only pray that they would listen to me. 

My plan was profusely flawed. It depended on so many external factors, many of which I could not control. Two components of it were already in place, the first being the most essential. 

I was in a clearing near the top of a mountiain, only a few yards of space surrounding me. Beneath that there was a long, long fall. 

Thunder boomed in the distance, and I flinched harshly. My power was rumbling fiercely, as it had been for hours, though I now knew why. I only prayed that my body would hold on a little longer under the strain my magic provided, just until I could use it to do what I needed. And if it failed, that I wouldn't pass out before I found another way to take care of Orion. 

If his power was as strong as Balekin's... I knew it was. I hadn't seen it in my vision, but I just knew, by some faint whisper in my power that warned me. And I also knew that it had most definitely come from the Cauldron- perhaps a gift from its current wielder. 

I sent a final prayer to the Mother. That if my plan didn't work, if I was taken or killed, Cassian and Azriel would be safe. If it had taken me all of this to save Azriel, only for my weakness to get him killed...

I'll do anything for you.

There was no denying that he meant the words now. He hadn't even realized what they meant, that it was not the first time he made such a promise. I only prayed he would stay true to his word and save himself, for me. 

My power rumbled again, and I froze. The rain prevented me from hearing or smelling him, but I knew that he was near. I set the second most important part of my plan in place, undetectably. The world spun for a moment, but I dug my nails into my palms to make it stop.

"Orion. It's been quite some time." I said loudly, my voice diminished by the rain and the harsh sighs of the wind. There was no other sound for a few moments, but the frantic surge of my power told me he was here. 

"Indeed it has," I held my breath as I heard his voice, only a few feet away from me. I slowly turned around, struggling to make out Orion's frame in the rain. The moon was full and glowing, which was enough for me to be able to see the look of pure hatred on his face. 

Going against every instinct in my body, I took a step towards him. And I felt it- the power of the Cauldron. Almost like it was calling to me. I halted. 

"Did you really come to face me all alone?" Orion questioned, narrowing his silver eyes at me. I had forgotten just how similar he looked to his son. 

I forced myself to smile. "I don't need any help to kill you," I said, surprising even myself with the calmness in my voice. 

Orion smiled back at me. "Is that so?" He raised a gloved hand, and dozens of soldiers appeared out of thin air, formed in a circle around us, with swords pointed at me. I kept my eyes pinned on the black haired male, not allowing my smile to falter, or my mind to contemplate how the fuck he had done that. 

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