Chapter Sixteen

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The next day, Rhysand asked me to join him for breakfast. His head had been in his hands when I walked in, and he looked absolutely exhausted. He dodged all of my questions regarding whether he had slept, or whether he was alright. It pained me to see him like this, but at the same time, I didn't know how to help him.

Azriel had been there too, but he looked nothing like the relaxed and playful male he had been last night. There was only a glimmer of desire lingering in his eyes whenever he looked at me, but aside from that, his face was stone cold, unflinching.

Rhysand finally told me why he had wanted to talk to me, his voice strained as he did. He needed me to help with everything that was going on in the Court, and with the fact that we were on the brink of a war. I wasn't sure what I could do to help, but I had still shook my head eagerly and said I would do anything he asked of me. 

I could tell Rhysand hated the idea of sending me into danger. He had told me as much, and told me that even though he knew I was perfectly capable of handling myself, he would always see me as his little sister that he would have to protect. It warmed my heart, and yet I couldn't stop the voices in my head that screamed I wasn't worthy of protecting.

I was no closer to seeing the future, but Rhys assured me there were other things I could do to contribute. He'd explained to me everything that was going on, everything that I had been kept in the dark of until now. Cassian was gathering the Illyrian army and readying them for battle. Azriel was not only trying to figure out who had been attacking the temples, but was using his spies to see if any other Courts might possibly be on Hybern's side, especially the Spring and Autumn Courts. Amren was looking into ways to stop Hybern when they did inevitably attack, though Rhysand didn't specify how. I suspected he didn't even know. And Mor was doing all of the things Rhys didn't have time to, from gathering allies, to keeping the Court of Nightmares in line. And the High Lord himself was doing everything he could to figure out Hybern's plans. Azriel said nothing, his eyes pinned on me the entire time as shadows floated around his body.

"What else is there for me to do?" I'd asked him. Rhys had explained that, for one, my power would be extremely useful on the battlefield. It made me slightly uneasy to think of a full on battle, but I pushed it down. This wasn't the time for fear. 

I told Rhys that I had trouble controlling it, though I didn't specify just how much. I didn't dare bring up the Faebane, either. He told me he or anyone else would help me train whenever they had time.

Aside from that, he said he needed me to do something for him. From the way Azriel's mask had broken for a split second, his confusion showing in his eyes, I could tell he did not know of this. Rhys's eyes shifted to his spymaster, clenching his jaw, as if he knew that Azriel would not react well to this.

"I need you to go to the Spring Court." He finally said. 

"Are you insane-" Azriel began to say, his voice so menacing that I would have been afraid, had it been anyone other than Azriel.

"If Tamlin allies with Hybern, we're screwed. And I need to know how stable the wall is." Rhysand explained, completely disregarding Azriel. I could sense his anger from across the table, but I too, ignored him.

"I'll do it." I told Rhys. Azriel stood from his seat, the chair groaning against the wooden floor. "Tamlin might kill you just for stepping foot in his court." The Shadowsinger snapped.

"Tamlin wouldn't dare hurt her. Besides, if he was stupid enough to attack Asteria, I have no doubt of who would win." He flashed me a grin, and I couldn't hold back a small smile of my own at the thought.

"What about Feyre? Didn't you tell her to ask Tamlin if he was willing to fight with Prythian?" Rhysand's eyes darkened, and I suddenly realized that this conversation could end very badly. 

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