Chapter Thirty Two

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The place that Cassian knew was the shabbiest inn I had ever seen. It was at the foot of a mountain, and only had five available rooms. And they all had two beds at most.

But it was pouring rain and freezing, and I was half convinced someone was going to track us, and Azriel was still unconscious, and I was on the verge of passing out, so I was more than willing to settle. 

The innkeeper, surprisingly, didn't recognize any of us. The bored lookin Illyrian female didn't seem to care that Cassian and I were carrying an unconscious male, or that I was in a ripped up blood soaked dress. That was relieving, at least. It meant I wouldn't have to manipulate her mind into forgetting we were here. And I wasn't sure my body could stand another use of power, no matter how small.

"You look like absolute hell." Cassian said after we had settled Azriel into one of the two beds. I laid down on the other, my entire body aching in pain and exhaustion. "Care to tell me what happened?"

I sighed. "I need ice." 

Cassian's eyes went to my ankle, which I was sure I had at least broken, and then to my shoulder, which I couldn't move. He nodded, before leaving the room. It only took him three minutes to come back, and he brought with him a bucket of ice and a pack of gauze.

"Talk." He instructed as he began to inspect my ankle. I hissed in pain as he touched it. "Broken." He confirmed, placing a chunk of ice wrapped in gauze on it. I winced against the pain.

As Cassian tended to my wounds, I told him what had happened, from dancing with Balekin and what he had confessed- that he was after me for Hybern, though I excluded the marriage detail- to him having poisoned Azriel, and the fight we'd had, how he'd pushed us out of a window, and then how I had killed him. 

Cassian was silent for a moment as he continued to wrap my shattered shoulder. "I'm surprised you're this fine after falling out of the top floor window," he chuckled. If I had been able to, I would have slapped him.

"I used magic to break the fall, idiot." 

"And you killed Balekin- and left him there?" The male questioned. He tied a knot to make a sling. I gasped in pain. "Sorry," he muttered.

"Yes. I had to get to Azriel. Which reminds me," I said, "how did my blood heal him? And how did you know it would?"

Cassian blinked. "I didn't." He turned his gaze back to my injured leg. "I thought whatever power you have might be able to heal him. Since it seems to be able to do just about everything else. I didn't know if it would work." 

Something in his tone made it seem like he was lying, something about the way he fidgeted with the bandage as he spoke. If I hadn't been so utterly exhausted, I might have said something about his suspiciousness, but I truly didn't have the energy for it. 

"You take first watch." I said as I let my eyes fall shut.

"Fine, but I get the bed." Cassian said. I opened my eyes.

"I'm severely injured."

"I'm not sleeping with Azriel."

"Why do I have to?"

"Oh please, like you haven't done it before."

I scoffed. Cassian smirked, and again, I was too tired to argue. "Fine," I muttered. 

Cassian helped me into the other bed, and I lay down besides Azriel, who was sleeping soundly with shadows caressing him. I couldn't remember the last time I had seen him looking so peaceful. 

Oh, Asteria. You truly have no idea what you do to me.

I squeezed my eyes shut at the memory, focusing my attention on the sound of the crackling fire and the rain that poured outside. He hadn't known what he was saying. He hadn't possibly meant it. And it didn't matter, anyway. 

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