Chapter Sixty One

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I wiped at a tear that slipped down my face for the hundredth time that day. I didn't think I'd ever cried so much. It had started when I saw Rhysand, nervous out of his mind, fidgeting with his elegant tunic.

I'd been unable to stop myself from wrapping my arms around my brother, squeezing him so tightly he probably couldn't breathe. Rhys had laughed, although his eyes had been glistening when I finally let him go.

"I'm so proud of you." I whispered through soft sobs. Smiling, my brother wiped a tear that strolled down my face.

"I never would have been able to do any of it without you." He told me. And the utter honesty on his face, the pain and love in his eyes- I'd started crying all over again, wrapping my arms around him once more.

At least I hadn't cried when I when I had walked down the aisle. My deep blue silk dress trailed behind me as I walked, gripping a bouquet of violets. Mor and Amren wore matching dresses. The former walked behind me with Cassian, the latter behind her, alone.

Azriel walked close beside me, his arm linked with mine. He looked breathtaking in a tight suit that marked every firm curve of muscle in his shoulders, arms, and back. His wings were spread out, one of them slightly curved around me. And on his perfect lips, there was a soft smile.

As we neared the altar, my eyes met their twins. Rhysand grinned at me, and I smiled right back. He then smiled at Azriel, before looked back to me and winking. I rolled my eyes, but couldn't contain my wide smile.

When we reached the altar, Azriel and I turned to each other. Azriel leaned down and brushed his lips against mine. A brief, soft kiss. He pulled away, smiling down at me. I almost started crying again at the love and happiness that shone in his hazel eyes.

I somehow made myself turn away and take my place at the right side of the dais, only a few feet away from Rhys. He smiled again at me, his eyes glistening.

I love you, sister. He said to me, mind to mind.

I couldn't help but beam at him. I love you too, asshole. Rhys chuckled softly.

Mor and Amren took their places beside me, Cassian and Azriel at Rhysand's side. They exchanged quiet words that I could not hear.

The doors suddenly opened, and the hundreds of Fae and faeries stood from their seats. The orchestra began to play a beautiful song, and my eyes stung as Feyre appeared at the end of the aisle.

She looked absolutely devastating. She wore her Starfall dress, the fabric glittering so much she looked like a star. An equally shimmering tiara sat atop her flowing golden brown hair, a veil pooling from it, all the way to her feet.

Her face was set in a smile, her eyes pinned on Rhysand. My heart strained at the sheer love and joy that shimmered in her eyes, as bright as her dress.

With each step she took closer to the altar, my chest tightened. It was almost too good to be true- that we were all here, together. That my brother was getting married to his mate, to the only person that could ever love him like he deserved.

When Feyre reached the altar, she turned to Amren, Mor, and I. Her eyes met with each of them- and then mine. My brother's mate, my sister- smiled lovingly at me. I smiled back, my eyes blurring with tears.

Feyre finally turned to Rhysand. They both stared at each other like they were the only ones in the room. In the world.

The High Priestess announced for everyone to be seated. The citizens of Velaris obeyed, some weeping, all of them smiling.

The priestess began speaking, and I quickly wiped a tear from my cheek. Neither Rhysand or Feyre bothered to wipe theirs.

Time seemed to still as the priestess recited the holy vows, Rhysand repeating them, then Feyre. When they were done, there was a moment of silence. No one spoke as they no doubt spoke mind to mind. Until the priestess announced, "you are now bound together, your lives and souls joined in a union of eternal love." I bit back a sob, furiously wiping at my face again. Beside me, Mor did the same. From across me, tears slid down Cassian's face, a wide smile on his face. And Azriel- Gods, I could hardly look at him. The look in his glistening eyes was all I would ever wish to see.

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