Chapter Seventy Six

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The smell of fresh blood stained the air, even through the pouring rain. The sound of pained screams echoed around us as healers ran around trying to tend to the injured.

We landed in the camp just as we had been when we winnowed. I was pinned to the ground, beneath Azriel's body, his wings cocooned around me.

He made no move to get off me. He did not move at all.

I rose on my elbows, dragging myself back, slipping out from under Azriel's too still body.

And then I saw his wings.

He hadn't winnowed in time. Because eight arrows were buried in his wings. Arrows that had been meant for me- but he'd managed to wrap himself around me and take all the damage himself.

My heart seemed to stop dead in my chest. I couldn't move, couldn't breathe, couldn't think-

"Help him!" I heard a frantic, distraught voice shriek. It took me too long to realize that the voice belonged to me, that I was screaming and sobbing and shaking-

Three Fae in all white clothing fell to their knees beside Azriel, examining his wings and muttering amongst each other. I watched as one of them ordered another faerie clad in white, and the female disappeared.

They were moving too slowly, and I could feel him fading away, could feel his body giving out-

I must have started screaming again, because the faeries by Azriel turned their gazes to me. Two of them looked terrified. But an older looking female with dark brown skin only said something that I couldn't understand, and one of the two faeries rose and hurried away.

One of the faerie's returned, a bottle filled with a clear liquid in her hands. The dark skinned faerie took it from the other's hands, then grabbed Azriel's head. He looked so peaceful. None of that coldness was on his face, none of that rage or fear.

The faerie- a healer, I finally realized- shoved the bottle between his lips. How she made him swallow it, I had no idea, but the glass bottle was empty when she discarded it on the floor.

My breaths turned into too short, labored pants as the dark skinned healer and the other faerie wrapped their hands around two of the arrows. A nod from the female, and then-

A pang of pain went through my chest. Azriel screamed, his body jolting. The faeries discarded the two arrows on the ground, and they were covered in his blood, and they were made of ash-

"Asteria," a voice sounded from far, far away.

My eyes returned to Azriel. His eyes were still closed, but he was panting now, thrashing against the healers. Four Illyrian's kneeled beside him, holding him down and pinning him to the ground.

My power surged, instinct screaming at me to get them off of him. I didn't realize I was standing up until I was on my feet, until I was lunging towards Azriel-

Strong hands wrapped around my middle, pulling me back harshly. My back hit a slim yet muscled body. Azriel screamed again as the faeries pulled another three arrows out.

I struggled against the arms that held me back, pushing with all my strength against them-

"Asteria." The voice said again. Closer this time- in my ear. I stilled. I knew that voice.

"Calm down." The voice commanded. I obeyed, sagging against the body, exhaustion overcoming me. I let the person turn me away from Azriel, lead me away from the scent of his blood and the sound of his screaming.

It was an effort to command my legs to keep moving under me, to walk as I was led into a large tent. A firm hand remained on my back, leading the way.

Someone cursed as we entered. Hands grabbed me by my shoulders, setting my down on a soft chair. I only stared forward, the image of Azriel's ruined wings fresh in my mind, the sounds of his cries of pain ringing in my ears-

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