Chapter Twenty Six

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The only word I could muster to describe the human realm was dull. Feyre's family's manor was beautiful, but the land around it seemed like the colors were almost muted. There was no adornment allowed, since holidays were prohibited, Feyre had told me, which made it look impossibly more plain.

It was snowing lightly, and more snow coated- well, everything. The winter here was much more harsh than it was in the Night Court. I wondered how humans warmed their homes without magic.

Feyre hesitantly rang the bell of her family's home. The four of us- Rhys, Azriel, Cassian, and I were completely concealed with glamours that I had created. I stood perfectly still, even though our scent and any noise we made was hidden as well.

The door slowly opened after a few too long moments. A woman dressed like a servant peeked out. "May I help..." she paused as she took in the female before her. Feyre's ears were hidden, but as the housekeepers eyes widened, and the scent of her fear hit my nose, it was evident the woman knew what Feyre now was.

"I'm here to see my family," she said, her words strained. I couldn't even begin to imagine how difficult this must be for her, after not seeing her family in almost a year- not to mention that the last time she had seen them, she had been a human. I supposed it was somewhat similar to seeing my own friends after all those years Under the Mountain- if it was, then I truly felt terrible for Feyre. Having to face the people of your past after becoming something new surely wasn't easy. 

"Your- your father is away on business, but your sisters..." the woman's eyes darted around Feyre, to where the four of us stood, though she didn't know that.

"Mrs. Laurent?" A sweet voice sounded. Feyre visibly tensed. She backed away a step as a brown eyed girl appeared beside the housekeeper.

She looked similar to Feyre; same golden brown hair, same pale skin and delicate features. But this girl's face was rounder, her eyes larger and brown as apposed to Feyre's blue ones. The girl- Feyre's sister, looked at her with wide, tear filled eyes.

My heart stopped in my chest as I realized why I recognized her so much. And it wasn't because of her resemblance to Feyre.

She had been one of the sobbing female's in my dream, the one I'd had last night and so many other times.

I must have gasped, because Rhys brushed his arm against mine. His eyes turned to me.

What? He asked. I blinked, forcing any emotion from my face.

Nothing, I replied too quickly. This feels very wrong, I said into his mind. Rhysand's eyes were a mixture of grief and anger as they jumped from Feyre and her now sobbing sister, and back to me.

We don't have much of a choice. He answered. His jaw clenched, and I knew he didn't like this one bit.

You look like you're about to kill someone. I said. Rhys didn't answer. It's because of her sisters, isn't it? I asked carefully. Rhys sighed aloud, and Feyre turned her head slightly. I had made it so that she could hear us- just in case.

Feyre stepped into her house. Rhys just nodded.

"Aren't we going inside?" Cassian asked.

"You and Azriel fly over the grounds." Rhys commanded. Cassian only nodded, ever the obedient soldier.

"What will you do?" Azriel asked. His gaze was pinned on Rhys, very obviously avoiding looking in my direction. I pretended not to notice. 

"Wait," the High Lord shrugged. Azriel blinked, his dark shadows standing out against the pale scenery. He looked devastatingly beautiful, a force of alluring darkness amongst the bright world.

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