Chapter Sixty Three

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Time seemed to still as the most beautiful hazel eyes I had ever seen clashed into mine. I never would have imagined that I would feel such despair upon seeing him. But a wave of fear so great I couldn't breathe washed over me as the guards forced him to his knees mere feet in front of me, chaining him from his wrists and ankles and the base of his wings. And nothing was as agonizing as being so close to him and not being able to feel his skin against mine. As knowing that I would never be able to do so again.

There was no point in trying to pretend I didn't care about him. The king wouldn't believe me. And I had no power. My body was weaker than a humans, both from the strain of using so much power only hours ago, and from the whippings.

I couldn't save him this time.

The thought crashed into me and threatened to kill me right then and there.

Why? I screamed silently. Why would you do this?

Azriel looked at me without an ounce of fear. Because I'll do anything for you.

"Shall I begin, milord?" Orion said from behind me. I tensed as he picked up the discarded, still bloody whip.

Azriel's eyes filled with a rage unlike anything I had ever seen as he scanned me over. Took in my bleeding and broken body. He slowly tilted his head up, looking to where Orion stood behind me, whip once more in his hand. His face turned to a thing of pure, undiluted wrath.

"I'm going to fucking kill you." Azriel growled, the promise of death in his low voice.

Despite the words, hearing the sound of his voice was like a breath of fresh air after being held underwater for eternity.

Orion let out a small, slightly strangled laugh. And despite Azriel being utterly outnumbered and held down, the faint scent of Orion's fear coated the air.

The King of Hybern wordlessly snapped his fingers, and the Cauldron appeared beside Azriel and I.



Azriel could think of nothing but Asteria. He didn't care if he didn't make it out of the camp alive. He could only see her. Bloodied and broken, her terror and despair shattering Azriel's heart.

He could only pray that Rhysand was having better luck than he. He'd managed to tell the High Lord where Asteria was, at least. But Azriel hadn't listened when Rhys had told him to wait before going after her. And that was how he had ended up in this position.

"Please," Asteria breathed. Azriel saw the flare in her eyes, how the violet seemed to glow brighter in the Cauldron's presence.

Azriel thrashed, but the chains didn't falter. They stung his skin, clearly coated in Faebane and ash.

Hybern smiled at Asteria, eyes lit with a predatory gleam. Azriel saw red at the way he looked at her, like she was his prey that he had ensnared to devour.

"I love it when you beg."

"Shut your mouth," Azriel snarled, thrashing again. He ignored the sharp sting of pain that bit into his wrists and ankles, into the root of his wings. He didn't care about pain anymore. There was only her. He had slipped into a place of pure primal wrath, where nothing but Asteria mattered.

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