Chapter Sixty

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My father looked down at me, his face twisted with horror. "What have you done, child?" He breathed, his eyes turning away from me. I forced my line of vision to follow his, to where his legion had been standing a moment before.

Where hundreds of males had been a seconds ago, and were now nothing remained but dust that sailed upon the wind.

Darkness devoured my vision for a moment, and I prayed it would claim me. It did not.

Amarantha's cruel eyes narrowed at me. "My dear Asteria. You dare defy me?" I didn't say anything, the only sound the sobs of the family of the little girl she would make me kill.

"Very well, then. Kill her." Amarantha commanded. The little girl's pale blue eyes were on me, soft and accepting.

A flash of violet, and she was dead. Her brother ran to his dead sister's corpse, sobbing over her lifeless body. I couldn't help but be reminded of Rhysand.

The scene vanished, replaced by another familiar one.

I watched as Azriel tried to crawl to me, his chest pouring blood. His face was so agonized I could barely look at him. "No," Azriel shouted. "You're lying. I know you are." He said. "You would never do this." He cried.

I tried to tell him that he was right, that I would never hurt him, that I loved him- but my body would not obey me.

I heard my own voice say, "oh really?" Azriel's eyes widened at my tone. "Who do you think sold out Feyre's dear sisters?"

Darkness again devoured me, until I was standing at the foot of the King of Hybern's throne, in a body that was mine, yet not. A cruel laugh sounded in my mind as I tried to thrash against the hold of the Cauldron on my body, on my very being.

Distantly, I heard Hybern laugh. "I like you much better like this," he purred. I watched him through what had once been my own eyes as he smiled.



"If it's a trap, we're all dead." Cassian argued as they all stood around the meeting table in the House of Wind. Only hours had passed since they had received the note from Asteria, warning them about the attack on Adriata that would take place in less than forty eight hours.

"And if it's not, the Summer Court will be destroyed." Mor countered. They'd been debating for hours. They all wanted to believe it was true- even if it meant that the Adriata would be attacked. Because it meant that Asteria was still good.

But Azriel knew. He knew in his heart and soul that she was telling the truth. That what she had told him in the dream had been nothing but the truth. He had always known.

And he didn't care what the others decided. Even if none of them went to the Summer Court, he would go. He would find her. And he would bring her back. The words chanted through him like a song, just as they had all those years ago.

Save her save her save her save her-

"We are wasting time. We must bring a legion there, now. I've already warned Varian." Amren said. She too, was already convinced. Had always been convinced, because she had always known. Azriel couldn't resent her for it, not now at least.

Feyre shook her head slowly. "We cannot leave Adriata to fend for itself. Trap or no." she said.

"What if the plan is to draw us there, only to attack here while we're gone?" Cassian said.

Feyre pursed her lips. "That's a risk we are going to have to take. Amren is convinced Asteria is telling us the truth. Azriel is, too." Even though Azriel's opinion didn't really count, not when he was Asteria's mate. He was grateful for Feyre's words nonetheless.

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