Chapter Thirty One

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With only Mor, Cassian and I staying in the Town House, things were disturbingly quiet. It had been five days since Rhys, Feyre and Amren (since Cassian had failed to convince Rhys to let him tag along) had left for the Summer Court. 

Azriel had gone back to mortal realm, which, to my horror, terrified me. Not that I would ever admit it. We hadn't so much as received word from him since he'd left four days ago. Every time I asked Cassian about it, he assured me Az was probably fine, that this was his job. But I could tell he was trying to calm me as much as he was himself.

He was supposed to be back yesterday.

I was pacing frantically in the sitting room, both Mor and Cassian watching me from the couch. They kept giving each other looks, which I pointedly ignored. Right now, I couldn't care less what they made of my concern for their friend. Besides, they both knew enough already. They both certainly knew we were sleeping together, or at least had been. And I wasn't sure what Azriel might have told Cassian, but after the countless fights we'd had in front of him, what he'd seen with the Attor, the knowing glances he gave me whenever Azriel's name was mentioned... he knew much more than he should.

But right now, I couldn't give less of a damn about that. The only thing my mind could focus on were the possibilities of what might have happened to Azriel. If he had gotten caught by the humans... he'd warned me, before our mission, what would happen if we got caught. That we would be tortured and killed, perhaps in worse ways than Hybern might butcher us. Gods if that happened to him-

"I'm going after him." I finally said. And I meant it, too.

"No, you aren't." Mor said, though she looked half inclined to agree with me.

"He was supposed to be back hours ago. When has Azriel ever been late?" I shot. Mor pursed her red lips. I was right, and the three of us knew it. Something under my skin was screaming, and not just my power- but some instinct that roared to go to him. Though I knew deep down that wherever he was, he was alive. I couldn't explain it- I just knew. But that didn't assure that he was alright.

"I'm going to the mortal realm right now and I don't care what either of you say." I announced, turning on my heel to gear up. A tight hand wrapped around my arm and forced me to turn, and I was met with Cassian's hazel eyes. They were firm, and I could tell he was trying to hide it, but they showed a twinge of fear.

"Asteria, calm down. We don't know if anything happened to him, and going into the human realms with no plan and no backup could get you killed." Cassian said simply. I yanked my arm out of his grasp.

"I don't care. You know what the humans will do to him if they-"

I was cut off by my own body. It was the all too familiar tightening in my chest. A second later, Azriel's scent hit my nose. The others stared at me in confusion as I pinned my stare to the door. Had they not smelled him yet? I knew they both certainly had sharper senses than me, so it made no sense that I could scent Azriel before them-

I let the thought go as I heard the sound of his footsteps approaching the door. Mor and Azriel must have finally realized it too, because Mor jumped up from the couch and Cassian took a step forward. My heart began to race as his steps got louder and louder.

The door creaked open, revealing a stone faced Azriel. I scanned him entirely once, then twice, then three times. He didn't seem visibly wounded- not even a scratch on his perfect skin. His wings were held up high, and he wasn't limping. The only sign that anything had gone wrong was the hard look in his eyes. 

Now that I knew he was fine, the fear left my body, and was replaced by anger. "What the hell happened?" I demanded.

Azriel looked at me, his expression unfalteringly indifferent. "Nothing." He said. His voice was cold- colder than usual, in a way I rarely heard. I was so taken aback that I pursed my lips.

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