Chapter Fifty One

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People hardly turned to stare at me as I walked through the streets of Hybern. Whether they knew that I was their king's newest weapon, or the sister of the most powerful High Lord in Prythian, I wasn't sure. I didn't particularly care, either.

They were all grave faced and miserable. Most underfed, their faces as grey and joyless as the lands themselves.

I'd gone on a walk through the city in need of fresh air- and only ten minutes into my walk, I wished I never had.

This place was terrible. It smelled of rotten fish and burning bread, and there were no sounds of laughter or of casual chatter. I'd passed at least four beggars by now. I hoped they didn't see my face as their empty tins became filled with gold.

I was just about to turn back for the castle, when I stopped dead in my tracks.

Three feet away from me, staring at me with wide, familiar eyes, was Rhysand.

I hardly gave myself time to think, acting mainly on instinct as I lunged for him, winnowing him into a dark alley I had passed a few minutes ago.

I pressed Rhys against the wall of the alley, using my magic to pin him in place.

I wanted to sob right there as we stared at each other, as his eyes glistened. And as I noticed that there was not an ounce of fear or hatred in his expression.

"What are you doing here?" I hissed, trying and failing to keep my voice sharp. Instead, the traitorous thing broke.

Rhysand blinked at me. I wanted to scream at him to get out of here, out of this horrid, miserable place in which people like him did not belong-

"You didn't betray us," he breathed. I stilled.

"Yes I did." I snapped.

Rhysand's face twisted into a sad smile. "You really think I can't see through your lies?" His voice was agonizingly soft. I blinked against the sting in my eyes. "I know you, Asteria."

"I'm so sorry Rhysand," I whispered, letting go of my
hold on him. He immediately wrapped his arms around me, and I couldn't stop myself from sagging against him.

"It's okay. You're okay now." A sob ripped free from
my chest as he held me against his chest. "You can come home now."

I pulled back, and Rhys reluctantly let go of me, though he kept his hands on my shoulders.

I smiled sadly at him, tears clouding my vision as I drank in every detail of his face.

"I'm so sorry." My voice shatters on the last word as Rhysand's expression turns confused.

And then that look of confusion is gone, replaced by an emptiness that made me hate myself. If I hadn't been so devastated and disgusted with myself, I might have been terrified at how easy it was to break through his mental walls.

"You came to Hybern, and you saw me. I killed a peasant for stumbling into me. I am no longer the sister you knew. I sold out Velaris, and Elain and Nesta Archeron. I am loyal to the King of Hybern."

I swallowed against the lump in my throat. "You will forget this conversation. You will go back to Velaris, and you will make sure no one else sees you."

Rhysand nods, though not of his own free will. I watch as he turns away from me, and turns into dust and wind.

It took me several moments to finally walk out of the alley, furiously wiping at my damp cheeks.

I didn't let myself think about what I had just done as I made the walk back to the palace, willing myself to become the cold and unforgiving female I had forced myself to become.

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