Chapter Three

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Keir began weeping like a child the second we arrived in Amarantha's throne room. The female smiled and nodded her head, assuring me that I had done a good job.

I hardly registered it, noticing the pull in my chest was absent once more. At least it reminded me to rid Keir's mind of Azriel and the rest of the inner circle's existence.

"M-my Lady. Please forgive my absence." Keir began, kneeling in front of Amarantha's throne. Had it been anyone but Keir, I might have felt bad for the male.

"Why is it you did not return when I asked you to?" Amarantha demanded, her voice cold and unforgiving. Keir was visibly trembling. I heard Rhysand snicker from where he stood next to the throne. He seemed to be enjoying this as much as I did, despite Keir being one of Rhys's most respected subjects. For once, we didn't have to play the part of the cruel siblings.

"I was held up, your Majesty." Keir whispered. Amarantha rolled her eyes, clearly discontent with his response.

"Hm. That's very unfortunate. Asteria, dear." She said. Keir's eyes grew impossibly wide, but I did not give him the chance to scream.

I welcomed the rush of adrenaline and power that coursed through me as squeezed my hand into a fist, causing purple power to encapsulate Keir's body, let a real smile form on my lips as he screamed in pain.

I had never really tortured someone at Amarantha's command. I usually made sure they did not feel a thing. Until now. Because this male deserved to be tortured. He deserved every ounce of pain and suffering, for what he had done to Mor. For the way he treated Cassian and Azriel, as if they were little more than feral beasts.

I chuckled as Keir screamed and thrashed, tightening my grip on him, making more agony consume him. I did not care that his family was watching. They all deserved this.

They all deserved to suffer and die. They deserved pain, and I was happy to give it to them. My only regret was that Mor was not here to witness it.

"Asteria!" Amarantha's yell was enough for me to snap out of my trance. I let Keir go at once, and he fell limp to the floor. I could tell he was still alive, but that didn't erase the horror I felt for what I had done.

"We can't kill him yet." Amarantha hissed, but I barely heard her over the roaring in my head. I swallowed, trying to urge down whatever it was that had just taken me over.

I had never thought myself capable of hurting someone and enjoying it that much, delighting in it. Even if it was someone who deserved it.

I sighed, forcing my face to look disappointed and bored. I faintly heard Amarantha bark orders at guards.

Are you alright? Rhys's voice said into my mind. I shifted my eyes to look at him, only to find his own staring at me already. I searched his face to see any hint of fear, of disgust for what I had just done. But Rhysand's expression remained as blank as ever.
I... I began, but I didn't think I could keep going if I wanted to continue looking composed.

Did something happen in the Hewn City? Rhys questioned.

No. Everything is in order, I lied. Rhys nodded ever so slightly, looking away. I exhaled, relieved that he believed me.

My hands subconsciously went to the small diamond star that rested on my chest. I never took the necklace off, not since I got it back. It had been taken from me when I was locked in my cell. But Rhys had somehow gotten a hold of it, and gave it back to me once I was let out. Now it was permanently attached around my throat.

I played with the charm, curling the necklace's chain around my finger. I rarely allowed myself to think of Azriel at all, especially in such a public setting. Amarantha still did not know of his existence, or of Velaris.

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