Chapter Forty Nine

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The people of Hybern wanted war. Not just the king, but the citizens. They wanted to destroy the wall that separated the Fae lands from the Mortal lands. They wanted their slaves back.

Acting like I was on Hybern's side was not as difficult as I had expected. The king seemed to buy the lies I had told him that day in the throne room. It had been a gamble- a terribly risky one.

But everyone had fallen for it. Somehow, Rhys and the others had all bought it. It had taken messing with their heads a bit- breaking through their mental walls and mixing around their emotions, confusing them in a way- but they had fallen for it. Except for Azriel.

I could feel his disbelief, could see it in his eyes. I'd had no choice but to make sure he kept silent before he could convince the king that I was a liar. I'd broken my vow to him that I'd never control him again. I'd also broken my promise not to do anything stupid, I supposed. It was still better than the alternative.

I had to be so incredibly careful. Had to calculate every single word I spoke. Lying fully was a sure way to get caught, so when Hybern questioned me on things about the Night Court's forces, I gave him half truths. Bits of information that wouldn't actually be useful, but still made it seem like I was cooperating.

"Will the Illyrians fight with him?" The king asked as he lounged on his throne. I kept my back straight as I stood at the foot of the dais.

"I believe so. The general, Cassian, commands them. If he says to go to battle, I assume they will obey." I explained. The king already knew that the Illyrians would fight with the Night Court if it came to it. Useless information, yet it seemed like I was cooperating.

"Hm." The king mused.

"However," I said evenly, "the Court of Nightmares troops are independent from the High Lord." The king rose his brows at the information I offered.

"How do you mean?" He inquired.

"Keir commands the soldiers. He has his own aerial legion, the Darkbringers. Rhysand cannot force them to fight. Some sort of old understanding or something." I explained. My words were all true, yet they weren't exactly useful. Even I did not know if Rhys would manage to convince Keir to aid us- aid them.

"Interesting. So the Night Court is not as powerful as it appears." The king said with a smile. I forced a smirk to my lips.

"Indeed they are not, your Majesty."

"And what do you know of the other courts of Prythian?" The male asked me. I paused before responding, thinking over my answer, how much I should share. As long as I didn't lie, I would not get caught. Half truths were the key.

"I am not too sure." I started. "I suppose most of the courts will probably be against the destruction of the Wall, as well as in favor of maintaining the Treaty. Except the Spring Court, of course. The Autumn Court might not be willing to fight with the other courts, either. Rhysand has yet to speak with any of the other High Lords, as far as I am aware." I explained. Everything I said was true. The king looked me over, eyes narrowing slightly. I kept my face in a mask of careful calm, not breaking his gaze.

I needed him to trust me. I'd decided that while I was here, however long or short, I would gather as much information as I possibly could about Hybern's forces, about their plans. I wasn't sure how I would get the information back to Prythian, in the case that I never made it back... but that was a problem for later. For now, my goal was to gain the King of Hybern's trust.

"Your information is hardly useful." I resisted the urge to roll my eyes at Orion. He had been trying to convince the king that I was loyal to Prythian since I had arrived, had terrorized me every moment we were not in the kings presence. He was right of course, but it was an insistent pain in my side.

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