Chapter Twelve

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"Get up." Someone snapped at me. A second later, I heard the sound of the curtains being thrown open and light filled the room. I forced myself to sit up, rubbing my eyes. I glimpsed the view that lay outside of my window, realizing the sun was only beginning to rise. "What time is it-"

"Late enough." Amren growled. I almost rolled my eyes at her, but thought better of it. "Rhysand told me about your newfound abilities. He thinks I should be the one to help you better understand them." Well that was quick, considering I had only told Rhys about it last night. Maybe we truly were that desperate.

"I'll meet you at the House of Wind in ten minutes." Before I had the chance to complain, she disappeared into thin air. I got up to get dressed, praying that Cassian or Rhys were home. There was no way in hell I could climb up ten thousand steps in less than ten minutes.

I didn't know what to expect, so I opted for casual and comfortable clothes. After splashing my face with water I rushed into the kitchen, hoping I would have enough time to eat something before going to find someone to take me up to the House.

As I rounded a corner, I crashed into something tall and hard. I'd been walking so fast that the collision hurt, and I would have fallen back had someone not grabbed my arm with enough force to keep me upright.

I didn't have to look up to know who it was. One, because it was just my luck, and secondly, because no one else could make sparks fly under my skin.

"Sorry," Azriel said in a low voice as he took a noticeable step back. I bit my tongue as I realized he was undressed above the waist, and that his hair was messy. I quickly looked away, feeling my face heat. We stood in silence for a few long seconds, and it was all I could do to not take another look, to let my eyes trail down his ink painted skin. I could feel his eyes on me as well- raking down my body, as if he was undressing me with his stare.

I cleared my throat, aware that my knees were starting to feel weak. I pushed down the memories of his bare skin against mine, pushed away the heat that ignited in my body. "Have you seen Cassian? Or Rhys?" I asked, forcing my eyes to meet his.

"Rhys went to the Court of Nightmares last night. And Cass is in Illyria." He said. Great. Now my choices were not show up to my training with Amren, or ask Azriel to fly me to the House. Considering how uncomfortable things had grown between us due to what I said to him the first night, and how he'd clearly been avoiding me... I really, didn't want to ask him.

Besides the utter awkwardness, I couldn't suppress all of the other emotions I felt in his presence, no matter how hard I tried. I couldn't suppress the guilt that had been present since I had said the most hurtful thing I could think of when he'd tried to help me. I couldn't suppress the longing and desire that my body felt for him, either. Being near him was torture.

Azriel mumbled something that sounded like goodbye and began walking past me. The image of Amren looking at me with fury filled silver eyes flashed in my mind. I cursed my fortune in my head.

"Azriel," I called after him. Azriel halted, slowly turning to face me, his wings rustling. He raised his eyebrows in question, and I almost took back what I had said. "Would you mind taking me to the House of Wind?" I asked, the words coming out too quickly. Azriel's brows furrowed, but he didn't ask me anything, to my relief. I didn't think I could get out enough words to explain the situation to him.

"Sure. I'll meet you outside." He said, his voice flat. I sighed with relief when he winnowed away. Before I could change my mind, I walked to the Town House's door, throwing it open. My appetite was long gone.

A few seconds later Azriel appeared next to me, fully clothed thank the Mother. "Shall we?" He said. I nodded, biting my lip. I was almost sure this would be one of the most difficult things I had done in a while. By the tightness in Azriel's jaw, I knew he felt somewhat the same.

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