Race You!

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Every so often, Halt would sneak over to Redmont Castle to visit Will. Without him knowing of course. He would crouch in the trees, watching Will and the others play in the grounds and laugh together. 

One time, Will was playing a game of tag with Alyss and Jenny when one of the bigger boys came. Halt searched for his name. Horace--that's what it was. Horace came over, puffing his chest out, trying to look older than he was. 

"Look at this!" Horace laughed. "Will playing with the girls! What a wierdo!"

Halt narrowed his eyes. 

"What's next, Will? Gonna start playing with dolls and teacups? Maybe start wearing a dress too!"

"That's not true, Horace!" Will shouted. "It's just a game of tag!"

Horace snorted. "I bet you can't do anything a real boy could do!"

Will tried raising an eyebrow, but failed miserably. "Yeah? Like what?"

"Like climbing to the top of that tree!" he smirked evilly at a tree about eighty feet tall.

"That's easy, Horace. Everyone can climb that. Only wusses can't. Like you."

Horace's face contorted in rage. "I can climb that tree!"

"Yeah, then lets have a contest. Who ever reaches the top first, wins!"

"You're on!"

The boys ran to tree and started climbing. Will instantly grabbed hold of the branches and hoisted himself up like monkey, while it took Horace a little longer to get up. By the time Horace was on the second branch, Will made it to the fourth or fifth. 

Halfway up, Will misjudged the strength of the branch and fell. He managed to grab a branch with one hand and hang on it, blood running down his arm from the many scratches on his arms.  The other arm was flared in pain, probably sprained. 

Horace, who was still climbing up, stopped. it was getting too high for him, anyway. But instead of pulling out of the contest, he yelled down to Will, "Alright, girl? If you continue, you'll get blood all over you're pretty dress!"

Will grit his teeth but remained silent. He knew he couldn't continue, so he started down the tree slowly. It was difficult, doing it with one hand, but he managed. Several times, he cried out in pain, but Horace had mistaken it for a cry of fear. Although, he too was scared and followed Will down the tree. 

Once both on the ground, Horace gloated, still unaware that Will sprained his wrist. 

"God, Will, I didn't know you so bad at climbing trees! You wuss!"

And with that, he walked away laughing. 

Meanwhile, Halt was done watching. He came out of the trees, scaring Will. Halt bent down next  to Will and gently took his arm. Will winced in pain, but otherwise stayed quiet, still a little intimidated by the ranger. 

"Boy!" Halt shouted to Horace, who was near the door. "Come here, NOW!" 

Horace looked scared, but came, not daring to disobey a ranger. To him, the ranger simply appeared. He didn't realize he was in trees. 

When Horace was near enough, Halt slapped him on the head. "He sprained his wrist! and what did you do? You made fun of him! Say you're sorry!"

Horace mumbled a few words, but said "sorry" louder after Halt gave him a warning look. Will looked slightly smug, but not for long. 

"You too, boy!" Halt said, glaring at Will. "You goaded him into doing it, and you also owe an apology!"

Will too repeated sorry to Horace. Halt was satisfied with both of them and brought them inside. but secretly, he was proud of the way Will climbed the tree. 

Hey, so what do you think? Good? Bad? Bad idea? Needs work? I agree. Please give any feedback and remember to vote and comment! inspiration for stories are totally welcomed! thanks!

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