Incorrect quotes....Kind Of

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So, these are a bunch of mini one-shots, I guess? I'm not really sure what they are. I was bored. Have fun!

The fire flickers gently, warming me to the tips of my body. I close my eyes, allowing thoughts to come and go as they please, some with more difficulty than the rest. The couch is warm under me. I take a deep breath, smelling the scent of burning wood. Funny, how everything seems to slow down when you're by a fireplace. In the kitchen, I can hear Will and Halt arguing about the better way to make coffee. I smile to myself. It's good to be home.


Will grinned, his eyes lighting up. His shoulders lifted, truly happy for her. He pulled Alyss in, planting a soft kiss on her lips. Her hair smelled of fresh daisies. He ran a hand through her hair and hugged her.

"My mother is alive, Will. She's alive."

"I'm so happy." And he was. No hard feelings. No regret. Just happiness. Happiness for the most beautiful and caring and best wife in the world.


Halt slammed the door, scaring Will. He stormed over to where Will was sitting on the sitting chair. Will had a book in hand - it was a rarity to own a book, especially one of folk tales, but Will had managed to drive a deal with someone, earning him the book. Peeved, he glared at Halt. He ruined a very intense moment by his grumpiness.

"What, Halt?" He asked, annoyed.

"My bow?" Halt grit his teeth, raising his eyebrows at Will.

Innocently, Will said, "what about it?"

"William, you have ten seconds to get your lazy bottom off the chair and get my bow out of your godforsaken hiding place."

Will his a smile. His face assumed a confused look. "What do you mean my hiding place?"

Halt leaned down, so he was eye level with Will. "Don't jest, Will. Get it. Or no coffee privileges."

Will nearly gave in, but this was too good. He finally got Halt good. Halt truly had no idea where his bow was. Will's plan could t have gone more smoothly.

"...Still don't know what you're talking about."

Halt glared at Will, his face full of fury. "What happened to RESPECT these days?"

"Maybe it's missing, like your bow," Will said. "You should go find it."

Halt dropped his jaw and chuckled, not in a nice way. "I should - oh you nerve, Will. GL GET UP AND GET IT."

"Nope." Will smirked, looking back at his book.

Seconds of silence. Will's instinct tingled. Silence at this point was not good...

"Give me your oakleaf."

Will jerked his head up, dumfounded.

"Come on, boy. Give it to me. Now."

"Wait. You can't be serious. No-"

"Yes. That's it. I'm thought. You've hid my possessions too many times."

"You're disowning me as an apprentice?" Will choked out. Dread gripped him. He'd gone too far. Protectively, he gripped his necklace.

"Wait. I-I'll get it." And he did. From the closet in his room. "here."

But Halt shook his head. "Halt, please! It was just a joke!" Will cried. "i won't do it again!"

Halt just looked at him. "Did you find anything else in there?" He asked.

Now fully confused, Will answered, "no. I didn't hide any-"



"Yes. I'm sorry, Halt."

Now, finally, a smirk spread across Will's face. "Got you back, boy."


"I knew where it was, Will. You're not that good at sneaking my stuff." Halt smiled. "I've been waiting to get you back and teach you a lesson. And...mess with you."

Halt took the bow and walked away. Will's hand didn't leave his necklace for the next hour. Halt laughed outside, though his laughter was soon joined with Will's.



We have a special guest writer! AKA my best friend (she's not on Wattpad). For those who are fans of Percy Jackson, and have watched the new Disney show, they will think this little scene sounds familiar. They would be correct, as she copied word for word what the characters on the show said and switched it with Halt, Will, and Gilan. Enjoy. We got a lot of good laughs writing it.

It was the first night on their mission and they were now all sleeping deeply after a full day's travel, but not quite. Part of the reason was that they didn't have their tents, as they were stolen from – a rather sore point from Halt. But now, Will was lying next to Halt with Gilan on the other side of him. Will was having a hard time sleeping, his mind a constant whirl, always landing on a non – descriptive image of his mother. He finally gave up. With his churning thoughts, sleep was a dim hope.

"Halt, you asleep?"

"Yes," Halt responded.

Will hesitated, unsure if he should ask. In the end, after a few seconds of pondering he asked, "What was she like, my mom?"

Grudgingly Halt responded. He said, "Well...she was stubborn; she made sure I would take care of you, ensure you would grow to your full potential."

"Is that why you're so hard on me? To ensure I would grow to my full potential?"

"I guess that's part of it. You're also just so darn soft, you need someone in your life not to baby you."

"What was that last part? I couldn't quite hear you." Will said with a faint smile playing on his lips.

"Will. You..are...obnoxious." Halt said through gritted teeth.

"Shut up." Gilan said. Startled, Will jumped up and drew his saxe knife almost throwing it towards the source of the sound. Halt leaped up, grabbing Will's arm, preventing him from throwing his saxe.

"Whoa...calm down, Will, it's just Gilan."

Gilan, who was still laying down, barely noticing the commotion, moaned. Will froze and dropped his arm limply to his side "you awake?" he asked.

"Well, I am now, thanks." Gilan said, his tone dripped with sarcasm.

"...Are you okay?" Will asked.

Halt rolled his head around to Will. "Don't mind him, he gets a little bit grouchy when he doesn't get enough sleep." Halt said.

"He gets grouchy when he doesn't...nyaaa" Gilan responded in high pitched mocking voice

"Woaaa," Will said under his breath.

"You've never been on a mission with him when he didn't have his tent before. It's a little different when he doesn't have his froofy tent."
"Froofy! Whose froofy? You're froofy?...what's froofy?


Somehow, all that commotion chased off Will's restless, provoking thoughts and he was finally able to fall into only a somewhat relaxing sleep, as he didn't have his froofy tent.

And that's a wrap!

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