Take a Breath...Live in the Present

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** if read with relaxing music (above), makes the story much more real. Try it. **

Crowley breathed in deeply and exhaled slowly. He let his thoughts come and go as they pleased. No harshness – just breath, notice, and release.

He sat cross-legged on the floor of his room. His bed behind him, his closet by his left side, and the window in front of him. The room was clean and organized, which was how Crowley worked best.


He became aware of his body. His tense parts he relaxed. His heart rate slowed. His mind became at ease. He felt tingling in his toes, and gently wiggle them, then stopping, removing the tingling sensation. He could feel the pain in his arm from a recent injury, but simply noticed and did not try to exclude it. He knew the feeling and thought would leave when he was ready.

Work... missing kids... highway bandits...


Crowley allowed these thoughts to pass.

Missing kids!

The latest case, some children missing, maybe stolen, pestered him, and brought him to a worried state. He felt his heart jump when the thought came, but he was experienced at this already.


The case would turn out fine. He tried thinking of how to solve the problem. Maybe Will could help. Will needed a mission to distract him from his recent loss.

The open window breathed air onto Crowley's face. It was like a splash of cold, fresh water. As the air hit Crowley, he inhaled, smelling the grass and trees outdoors.

For several moments, Crowley continued to sit there on his floor, breathing in thoughts and breathing them out. Finally, he opened his eyes, slowly allowing himself to reconnect with the present. And before totally restarting his day, he sat on the floor, watching the things around him.

The leaves dancing on the tree outside the window. The sun glittering through the leaves and making a pattern on his floor. The air blowing softly, and the window curtains waving in the wind.

He was ready to start his day.

I don't know why, but I feel like Crowley is the most likely to start his mornings with some quiet meditation. The more I think about it, I figure maybe Pritchard, his mentor, taught it to him, or even better, Crowley saw PRITCHARD meditating and they practiced together. Wow, I see a really cute story and relationship happening here. Comment if you want that story.

I can also see Halt becoming extremely frustrated at Crowley for the meditation, but secretly respecting his best mate, and wishing he had the patience and control of mind to do it too.

Maybe when Will had traumas about Skandia, Crowley would help him, teaching him how to allow the thoughts to come and go.

Crowley could've been, in many ways, a teacher, mentor, friend, and therapist. Maybe even a father-figure.

We all need more "Crowley"s in the world.

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