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The big willow tree came into view. Its leaves blew softly in the wind, as if waving. The breeze blew Will's hair gently. He bent down slightly to give Tug a pat. Will smiled as Tug shook his mane. His horse, his friend, his pride, was majestic and beautiful, and Will wouldn't wish for any other horse. He reflected back to all those years ago, when he first met Tug and rode him.


The wind whistles in Will's ears. He laughed as he felt Tug jump over a fallen tree trunk. It was freedom, galloping over everything, seeing the ground in a blur. Something about it was just pure freedom. Nothing could catch him when he was on Tug. He bent down, urging his horse to go faster, disregarding Halt's warning about going too fast. After all, Will had only gotten Tug a few days ago and before that, had not learned how to ride. Halt warned him to not go faster than a canter, but now, running with Tug in the clearing. Will completely neglected Halt's warning.

He leaned down, meaning to just bend down to get into a slow gallop, but misjudged it. Instead of getting into a quarter crouch, one that would get him into a slow gallop, he leaned almost halfway down, urging Tug into a full gallop. As Will felt Tug's muscles contract and his speed increase, Will realized his mistake and widened his eyes.

Tug's legs were a blur under Will. They started off into the forest. Will's heart rate increased. Tug's body was rocking in a normal gait, but to Will it felt like Tug was bucking him. In desperation, he leaned forward and grabbed onto handfuls of Tugs mane, not knowing that leaning down increases speed for a horse.

Another fallen tree was coming up and Will braced himself. Tug's shoulders went up and Tug jumped. As they landed, Will felt himself fly.

He tumbled to the ground, rolling several times. Briefly, he was thankful he wasn't wearing his cloak; it would've gotten all tangled and torn. Finally, he came to a stop, Tug stopping a few feet away. After a quick check of his body, making sure his body was still intact, he got up shakily. Tug looked at him with his big brown eyes.

"What was all that about?" Tug seemed to say.

Will finally snapped from fear of what just happened. "Don't you say that! What the blazers was that! I didn't tell you to run like that! I thought I was supposed to trust you, Tug. And I can't do that if you throw me off like that!" he screamed.

Tug blinked. He turned his head away from Will. "You told me to run like that. You bent down." he turned back to Will, this time with a coldness in his eyes, "didn't you learn that?"

Will realized his mistake. Instantly, he felt guilty for snapping at his horse. "I'm – I'm sorry, Tug. you're right. I didn't know what I was doing. Old Bob did teach me that, but I forgot."

Now it was tug's turn to look guilty. But Will came over and hugged his mane.

For the rest of the time, Will walked next to Tug, nervous to go back on. He knew he could trust his horse, and told that Tug, but he didn't want to try to get back on quite yet. Tomorrow, he'd try again, this time, listening to Halt's warning and waiting for Halt to teach him more.


Will smiled to himself. He gave tug a quick glance and patted his mane one more time.

"Ready?" he asked.

Then he leaned down, and felt freedom as Tug started into a gallop, like an arrow from bow. 

To be honest, I like this one. It was fun. What do you think? Please vote and Comment, it helps me a lot. 

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