Foretelling Futures

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George walked through the halls of Castle Araluen, always fascinated by its wonders. Flames from torches flickered, making dancing shadows on the walls. Mosaics of past kings and families were laid out on the walls. The stone floors almost shone in the moonlight. He paused and walked over to an open window. The view was magnificent. The village below sparkled with light and if you listened carefully, you could hear the rushing of Lake Ipoish. He leaned down against the sill and felt the cool air brush over his face.

"Napping here, are we?" a voice said, startling George, causing him to bang his head on the window.

George swiveled around. A skinny tall figure loomed over him, covered in a cloak. The hood was drawn, so George couldn't see his face. "Wh-what?"

The figure didn't respond right away, which made George think the man was rolling his eyes. "You heard me. What are you doing here at this time of night?"

George felt himself flush. He cleared his throat several times, unsure whether to tell the truth or not. The figure growled.

"I haven't got all night, boy. Answer me."

George took a step back and said, "I, uh, couldn't sleep and, well, thisismyfavoriteplacetogowhenican'tsleep."

The figure didn't respond. George wasn't sure that was a good thing. Without really thinking, he asked, "Who are you?"

"What a fool, George. What in the blazes are you thinking! You don't ask that! Especially at night! For all I know, I'm about to get kidnapped! But that wouldn't really work out too well because there are guards everywhere. But still, I suppose the man could knock me out. But if he does that... stop it, George! Focus!"

George shook his head slightly to clear his thoughts. Finally, the figure said, "Halt."

George paused. "But I'm not even moving."

"No," the man said in a low voice, "my name is Halt."

The boy shivered. He'd heard of the legendary Ranger Halt. he was six feet tall and could kill a bear with his bare hands. He could kill someone in their sleep before they had the chance to even open their eyes. Suddenly, George's instincts told him to run. But he planted his feet firmly. He couldn't run. Bot now. That's too unprofessional.

Halt spoke one more time. "You shouldn't ask so many questions–"

"I only asked one," George interrupted, then felt himself practically die for interrupting a Ranger.

"Don't interrupt me," Halt growled. "Questions can get you in trouble. Now, you'd better get back to the Ward before a guard catches you."

It took George a few moments to realize that the Ranger was letting him off. He tripped over his feet as he eagerly left the room.

"That was close, George. Next time, no lolling around." but his brain fought back. "Next time? There's no next time, George! We're not doing that again! Halt let you off, don't tempt fate by going back! If you're caught again, maybe Scribemaster Nigel won't let me in the business..."

When George opened his dorm room, he was surprised to see Will, still fully awake, lying on his bed with his feet against the wall. Will looked at George, looking at him up and down.

"Where'd you go, George?"

"I couldn't sleep. Actually, i could, but then i woke up and couldn't–"

"I get it," Will rolled his eyes. Then, "What happened? You look like you saw a ghost."

George's eyes widened. "Actually, I saw Ranger Halt."

Will sat up in a flash. "Really? Why? What'd he say? Why was he there? Did you ask him that?"

"He said that questions get you in trouble," he replied dryly, "but he said that because I asked his name. I don't know why asking a name is so dangerous though."

Will ignored the last part and said, "wow, i wished i saw him. I never even met him."

"I'm sure you will one day, Will."

"Yeah right, George. In my dreams." Will rolled his eyes again. He laid back down, this time, flipping over in bed so he was facing the wall.

But George had a feeling that he was right. One day, Will would meet halt and get to know him very well.

 Please, Please, Please comment and vote, it really helps! And thank you so much for everyone who's reading this! honestly, I didn't think a soul would look at these stories, because, hey, there are for sure better ones out there. but thank You! It literally gives me so much encouragement every time I see another read! Thank you!!!!

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