Sick Day

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Will woke up groggily, noticing instantly the sore feeling in his throat. A nasty, metallic feeling arose everytime he swallowed. He sat up, swaying slightly, and shivered. Yes, he had chills. He put a hand to his forehead.

It was a fact. He had a fever.

He looked out the window by his bedside. The sun was about one hand in the sky – meaning that his normal day would start soon.

Halt would expect him to be up and dressed in ten minutes, but Will was not going to today.

He laid back down, sinking into his blanket. He winced again as he swallowed.

Will hated being sick. There was nothing he could do about it. He felt useless when he was sick – he couldn't practice archery or even help with the basic household jobs.

"Will! Get up alre-," Halt started, barging his door open. His eyes softened when he saw the boy laying in bed, his eyes glazed and Will shivering slightly under the covers. 'Never mind, then," Halt said, raising an eyebrow.

Will rolled his head to Halt. "Sorry, Halt." He hated disappointing his mentor.

"Don't be stupid, it's not your fault you're sick," Halt responded gruffly. He pointed a finger at Will. "You're staying in bed today, boy. I know you, as soon as I turn my back, you're going to go running to the archery course and start shooting. Well, not today," Halt ordered.

Will raised an eyebrow weakly.

Get that eyebrow down," Halt said, "Whatever happened to respect? You young ones seem to be unaware of it."

Will rolled his eyes subtly and turned on his side. "Can I have coffee?" he asked.

"After that disrespect?" Halt tilted his head sarcastically. Will knew Halt was joking. It was good to have something hot, and it was good to drink liquids. Besides, Halt would never deprive Will of coffee.

"Fine," Halt said.

Will smiled to himself and closed his heavy eyes.

Will's fever had not gone down for a day and a half. Halt rode to the doctor, butterflies in his stomach. He hated seeing his apprentice sick. He felt useless. He couldn't do anything besides hope for the best. He hoped the fever wasn't anything dangerous.

"Calm down, you big worrywart," Aberlard said.

Halt ignored him.

An hour later, the doctor left with instructions to WIll to take a pill every four to six hours. It was just a normal fever, he said, much to Halt's relief. He just needs lots of fluids and rest.

"Alright, Will, take the first pill," Halt advised.

Will swallowed. He never told Halt that he couldn't take pills. It was one of his mortal fears. He knew it was irrational; that when he eats, he swallows a lot more, but a pill just seemed too hard. Too scary. The last time he tried...

"Come on, Will," Halt said, slightly impatient.

"Uh, Halt?... I can't – um –... Icanttakepills," Will rushed out.

Halt looked at WIll blankly. It never occurred to him that Will couldn't. He knew of the fear, but...

"You have to, Will. The doctor said this pill couldn't be chewed. You need to swallow it."

Fear started to rise in Will's chest. "Halt, please, what if I just bit it a little?" he pleaded.

Halt placed a hand on Will's shoulder. "You can do it, WIll. I won't leave your side. It's all psychological. You can do it."

"I-I can't–"

"Will, if you don't do it, you're losing your coffee privileges."

Will felt his eyes tear up. Why was Halt being like this? Why couldn't he chew the darn thing?

Halt saw the young man's eyes tear up, and instantly felt bad. He hated doing this, but Will needed to take the pill. Will's fear got in the way of letting him see that.

He gave the pill into Will's hand along with a tall glass of water. Will looked at it, tears falling now. Halt didn't know what to do. He had never seen this side of Will.

"Take a breath, WIll. You can't do this if you're all tense."

Will obeyed. He knew enough that Halt was right.

He placed the pill on his tongue shakily, and took a deep drink of water. He held it in his mouth for a few seconds, his head down, then swallowed. Atleast, swallowed everything but the pill.

"Well?" Halt asked.

Will shook his head, already feeling the gross taste of the medicine on his tongue. He placed the cup to him mouth again and took another gulp. But the pill stayed. WIll repeated it, this time, the pill almost going down, but stopping when WIll blocked it subconsciously. He coughed a little, and spit out the pill. It was dissolved in his hand to the size of a nail length.

"Try again. You can swallow that, Will. It's tiny!" Halt half-shouted.

"No it's not, Halt! Not when you can't..." WIll trailed off, taking another breath. He needed to calm down and take the blasted pill.

He repeated the steps, this time thinking and convincing himself, "there's nothing there, there's nothing there, it 's just water, there's nothing there" and swallowed. The whole thing!

WIll checked around in his mouth, unbelievingly.

"Oh my god, Halt! I did it! I swallowed it! Oh my god!" he exclaimed.

Hatl inwardly let out a relieved sigh. He didn't know what he was going to do if WIll couldn't.

"Good job, son."

Yup. Anybody else feel this way about pills? I know someone who does.

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