Brotherly Bonding

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"Gilan!" Will shouted joyfully, bounding across the grass, "I didn't know you were coming!"

Gilan grinned and spread out his hands. "Well, here I am."

Will reached Gilan and crushed him with a massive hug. "How've you been, Will?"

Will's eyes dropped for a second, but he drew them back up immediately and put on a smile. It was a little forced, Gilan noticed. Instant worry for his friend began to push itself to Gilan's chest, but he pushed it down. Mostly.

"I'm good, Gilan. Well, I'm surviving at least," Will answered, tilting his head slightly.

Gilan paused. He shifted uncomfortably. He still felt guilty and responsible for what Will went through. If he hadn't separated from Will and Horace... if he was faster... if, if, if. Skandia was worse than a nightmare. Nightmares only last as long as you sleep; Will's nightmare was day and night. Now, with winter just starting, the snow and cold brought the worst of memories to Will. Will was waking up at night, screaming. He was starting to become frightened of his knives, making his training harder. Halt was worried out of his mind. He didn't know how to deal with trauma and felt that if Gilan came, it would help Will. Gilan knew how to comfort better than Halt and was closer to Will's age.

Gilan nodded to Will and put a hand on his back to lead him inside. Will shook his head slightly and followed.

The cabin always uplifted Gilan's spirits. Seeing the porch reminded him of times of loud laughter with other Rangers and his graduation.

They entered the cabin and went straight to the couch. Halt entered through his bedroom door with a raised eyebrow.

"What took you so long, Gilan?"

"Well, I missed you too, Halt," Gilan said, dryly, "I had to take care of some bandits on the way."

Halt nodded. Bandits were extremely common at this time of the year.

For the rest of the evening, Will, Halt, and Gilan got each other caught up and their lives. Halt had some fun teasing Will about his training and Gilan, in defense for Will, teases Halt about his feelings for Lady Pauline. At that point, Halt was so dangerously close to making Gilan sleep in the tree out front, that Gilan and Will escaped off to bed.

Gilan woke to Will's screaming. He feel off the couch, where he was sleeping, and crashed his way through to Will's room. Halt ran there too, his tousled hair flying.

Will sat in bed, sweat down his neck and making his shirt damp. His eyes were closed tightly, and his chest fell rapidly. Gilan and Halt rushed in. Gilan sat on Will's bed, causing Will to startle. Then the tears came. Tears streamed down Will's face, and he gulped several times, as though something was stuck.

"What happened? What's wrong?" Gilan asked, concerned.

But Will answered, looking at Halt. "It was the dreams. They keep coming back." He swallowed. "Will they ever stop?"

Halt held Will's hand and said in a soothing voice Gilan had never heard, "yes, Will they will stop. I promise. It will take time, but eventually, all these nightmares will go away."

"It was horrible," Will squeezed his eyes shut.

Gilan put a hand on Will's lap. "What was the dream? It might be better if you talk about it."

But Will shook his head. He couldn't say it aloud. What if it became true? Wasn't it bad luck to say bad dreams out loud? And this definitely applied as a "bad dream".

Halt looked helplessly at Gilan. He was at odds as to what to do. He realized dully that he should know how to deal and help his apprentice with traumas like this. He then realized that he didn't know how to deal with this because he always pushed down his own trauma.

Although Halt didn't know how to deal with the trauma, Gilan had some inkling. He knew that one of the most important things was to support the person.

He reached over and held Will in an embrace. And didn't let go. He was Will's friend, almost a brother, as Gilan felt. And brothers didn't abandon each other, especially in a time like this. 

Hey, thank you so much for reading! It means so much and legit, every time I see a vote, or read, I get more encouraged to write more. Please, continue to comment and vote. Thank you. (Also, I'm sorry for any typos in my stories. I try to correct all of them.)

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