Bound. Part Three.

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Jenny felt as though her luck was running out. So far, the gang hadn't harmed her or Gilan any more. They were left chained to the desk for the night, a gourd watching over them. The thieves mostly drank and threw insults at them, but other than that, they were left alone.

Her chained hands were throbbing painfully. Gilan had regained consciousness about four hours ago, but he was chained more heavily than her.

The morning had come and now Jenny was beginning to get nervous. More than nervous. Hopeless.

Every fiber of her prayed for someone to rescue them. Maybe someone would notice she was gone. But who? Even if someone did, they'd just think she was sick.

Gilan nudged her toe and jerked his head at the gang. They were waking up, and the guard posted by them was becoming less watchful.

He was gagged, so he couldn't whisper anything, but they could communicate through looks and eyes.

What? Jenny mouthed.

They're waking up, Gilan seemed to say.

I know, idiot, Jenny gave a look.

They're distracted, Gilan rolled his eyes.

Jenny figured she couldn't understand. There was no way Gilan wanted to attempt an escape now. They had all night to escape. Why would he bother now?

The thieves were fully awake now, and beginning to eat. It was just leftovers from last night, but it seemed plenty for them. Jenny's stomach rumbled and she moaned softly. She hadn't eaten since yesterday's morning.

One of the men heard her. "Hungry, darling?" he called mockingly.

She ignored him. He laughed loudly.

One of the women nudged the leader and said softly, "wha're we gonna do with them?"

The leader eyed Gilan and her. A muscle worked in his jaw. Your point was fair, Knifepoint. They saw our faces. We gotta kill them."

Jenny's heart dropped.

An arrow whistled past her and straight into the shirt of the leader, hooking him to the wall.

Chaos broke out.

Members screamed in freight in anger, whirling around at jenny as if she could shoot a bow with chained hands.

The woman whirled around, looking for the source of the arrow, but shouted in pain as an arrow stuck her in the arm.

Jenny looked around, halfway in terror and halfway in relief.

Gilan jumped up, his chains dangling from his hands. He'd managed to pick the locks.

Brilliant man.

"Hands up, order of Rangers!" she heard Halt's voice shout. Relief coursed through her, making her want to sob. But she wasn't out of this yet.

"Hands up or we shoot again!"

All member's hands flew up. Will emerged from behind Halt, holding his bow. Quickly, he tied all member's hands behind their back, and forced them down on the ground.

Within minutes, the whole gang was tied up, including the leader. Halt gave a high pitched whistle of three descending notes, and instantly knights came closing in. all bandits were roped to a carriage and forced away.

"Will, Halt!" Jenny sobbed. Now that all the adrenaline had worn off, she completely broke down. She shook uncontrollably, clinging to Will. Halt helped Gilan, supporting him by wrapping Gilan's arm around his.

"Jen," Gilan murmured.

Jenny turned to him and embraced him. She felt his arms wrap around her and immediately felt warmed.

"We're okay, Jen, we're fine. I'm – so – sorry. I'm sorry."

Jenny cried, trying to answer, "no don't apologize. No." but all that came out was a muffled sentence.

"Come on," Halt said, "let's go get you both back home." 

How was it? Enjoyed it? It sure was fun to write. A little different than what I'd usually write. I probably won't write another like this, but who knows? maybe if i get enough comments - *ahem* - I'll consider it. 

Anyways, comment please and feel free to share. Please, please, please give story ideas! I;d love to hear what you'd like me to write! Have a great day!

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