Nope! Not Your Destiny!

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So, slight little change in tone here. I thought the last story was a little heavy... and I also love you guys hanging on a cliffhanger. So, now I'm presenting a slight shift in the note and giving you a CROWLEY story. I know, I know, I never did do that before. This is an experiment. Comment if you like it.

Also, if you can spot an easter egg from one of my previous stories in this one AND an easter egg from Merlin (BBC), then I'll shout you out!


"Pritchard, seriously? I'm seventeen!" Crowley said, flinging his hands up. "I'm not doing that with you!"

Pritchard frowned, scratching his brow. "Why not? It's very relaxing."

Crowley rolled his eyes, only with the attitude a teenager can muster. "Well, I'm sure. That is the point of meditation."

"And you seem kind of stressed these days," Pritchard said, raising a brow.

Crowley grit his teeth. "I'm not stressed." Pritchard's eyebrow remained up. "Oh, alright. I'm a little bit stressed. But she's really cute and I think I might have a chance."

"She?" Pritchard demanded. His voice raised an octave, almost comically. Crowley sucked in his cheek, mentally kicking himself for giving so much away.

"Yeah. I mean — she's — a girl —"

"-Yes, I presumed so," Pritchard muttered.

"--And I thought that I might have a chance with her..."

Crowley looked at Pritchard, wary of his next reaction. When he began to grin, Crowley wasn't entirely sure if that was a good thing or not.

"How long?"

"How long, what?"

"How long have you been courting her?" Pritchard asked.

Crowley wiped his hands on his jerkin. "Er... about two months."

"What!" Pritchard nearly giggled with joy, something that made Crowley feel very uncomfortable. "Why didn't you tell me?" He burst out laughing.

"I dunno..." Crowley muttered, wiping his palms again. They seemed to get sweaty very fast. "I just didn't know if — how'd you react."

"What's her name?"


Pritchard's eyebrows shot up. When both shot up, Crowley knew something was really surprising. That wasn't good. "The apprentice diplomat? Ygraine's apprentice?"

Crowley nodded his head, briefly having her in his mind's eye. Pritchard wriggled his eyebrows, very immaturely. "Oh that's fantastic."

"I'm thinking of going on another date tonight. That alright?"

Pritchard chuckled. "Oh course , Crow, as long as you tell me the details after."

Crowley looked shocked. ""

"What are you planning?"

"Just... I thought we could go to the tavern. Have a few drinks."

"You get anywhere that even seems inappropriate, and I promise your can't go on another date. Ever."

Crowley rolled his eyes. "Don't worry, Pritchard. I'm not an idiot. Nor's she."


Thirty years later, Crowley was with Halt, smiling as he married Pauline. Destiny has it's funny way of working...

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