War Planning.

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"Will, if we do that then the guards will notice!" Halt shouted to Will.

"Halt, listen to me," Will argued back, "if we don't first knock out the wizard, the guards will notice us anyway. It's our only chance."

Gilan looked between them and put forth his own idea. "What if we kidnap the wizard?"

Will gave an exasperated sigh. "We can't, Gilan. We don't have the energy to."

"Will, I will not risk ourselves being discovered. I won't," Halt stubbornly said.

"Just roll the dice and get it over with, Will," Gilan muttered.

Between the three of them lay the very intense map of Risk, the board game.

Sorry that it's really short. Seriously, I need more ideas. I'm desperate. And for Gorlog's sake, thanks for all the reads. 1.6k! I can't believe it.

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