Y/N At Will's Wedding

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He stood under the white trestle covered in purple flowers. He looked nervous, kind of unsure of himself. I couldn't blame him. All eyes on him, everyone paying attention to every moment he made, I mean, who wouldn't be nervous. And he was a Ranger. They hated being in the center of attention.

I didn't know him, but I knew his name was Will Treaty. Other than that, I didn't know. I mean, of course I'd heard of him, who hasn't? But I was here for Alyss. We have known each other since we were kids.

I smiled as I thought of all our fun memories we had. Pranking Lady Pauline, celebrating birthdays, talking about boys. About Will.

Someone in the front row coughed loudly and sniffled. He wore a Ranger's cloak but I couldn't see his face anyway. Will looked slightly amused, but turned his attention back to the end of the aisle where he knew Alyss would walk down from. He closed his eyes and whispered something, fidgeting with the edge of his shirt nervously.

Then, Alyss appeared. We all stood up respectively, but also to get a better glimpse of her. Her white dress practically flowed off her, showing her feminine figure. It was simple, like a Courier's dress, but this one went off the shoulder and was decorated with small gems on the top. She glided down the aisle smiling brightly. As she saw me her smile widened and winked.

When Alyss came out, Will's nervousness vanished. His fidgeting stopped. His breath caught. When she reached him, they held hands, interlocking their fingers as a symbol of always being together, and looked deeply into each other's eyes.

The priest began speaking, but I didn't pay much attention. My eyes blurred up and a cry escaped my lips. My friend, Jenny, who was beside me, elbowed me grinning. I grinned back and wiped a tear away.

The priest finished and said, "Now, you may kiss the bride."

They didn't hesitate. As they kissed, the crowd went wild. I saw several Rangers cheer loudly, a knight whoop and clap. Even the quiet Ranger in the front row clapped and wiped away a tear.

We all followed Will and Alyss as they ran to the small carriage that would take them to a private place. Before Alyss climbed in, she found my eye and waved excitedly, her smile wider than ever before. I winked and made a gesture that said, go on. Will pulled her hand and with one last cheer from all of us, they rode away, into the sunset.

Shout out to @bebuka_7 and @martygaga for commenting!  Thank you all for all the support! please continue to vote, because *ahem* who doesn't want votes and comments? 

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