Genovesans Again!?!

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Will sat facing the criminal. The guy was sweating heavily. His eyes constantly moved, looking for a way out. Sitting in a quiet room, only with a Ranger, was never a good thing. Will's hands were interlocked, resting under his chin. The silence held for a minute. Two minutes. Five minutes. Finally, the criminal couldn't stand it anymore.

"I didn't--"

"Don't talk first! the only time you talk is for answering my questions! Until then, SHUT UP!" Will roared. 

The criminal shut his mouth immediately, and nodded his head multiple times. He knew why he was in there, and he also knew that the was little hope of escaping his fate--death. But he would try.

"Do you know why you're here?" Will asked, then went on, answering his question. "Of course you do. I don't want any of your fake made up answers, all right? I want the truth, and only the truth. I'm not wasting my time here. 

"But just for review, I'll say your crime: You have been found working for a group of bandits who've been plotting to kill the King, yes or no?"

The criminal licked his lips. 

Will's voice went dangerously quiet. "I asked you a question, now answer it."

"Y-Yes," the criminal decided to go with the truth. It never did any good to lie to a Ranger. 

"And not only were you working with a group, but you were the leader of the group, yes or no?"

The criminal nodded his head. 

"Tell me something, if you had to choose, what would you rather: spending your life in jail, or dying?" Will questioned suddenly. 

It was such an unexpected question, the criminal didn't respond at first. He blinked a couple of times and swallowed hard. Twice. 

"Uh... neither. But I guess jail..." he cleared his throat several times. "But I had to do the things I did! I needed money! My family is starving and--"

"And why can't you make money a different way? I'm sure even you could find a job here," Will cut him off, inclining his head at the last part. 

The man was silent. Yes, of course he could have had a job here, but his reputation wasn't good. People knew him to be a slacker. Someone who would do the bare minimum. And definitely, not someone worth keeping. His gang was getting the money from a Genovesan noble who needed them to kill the King. The noble knew that the criminal and his friends had jobs in the palace and had easy access to him. 

"Your options aren't good," Will said, his eyes hardened. "In fact, you don't really have options. You have done the worst form of treason, which results in death. The options you have are really just how to do it."

"D-Death?..." the criminal said in a small voice. 

"Yes." Will paused. "But, I'm here to offer you a second option." the criminal's eyes lit up a little. Will continued. "Instead of death, you'll live, but you'll live in jail. You're family will be allowed to visit you twice a year, possibly more if they need, as Araluen law states, and you'll still be treated... human. But most importantly, you'll live."

The criminal looked at Will in the eyes. "The catch?"

The Ranger waited a few seconds before continuing. "The catch is that we need the names of the other members and the Genovesan assassin."

The criminal looked down. It would pain him to turn in his friends, some of them had really been close to him. Some were even childhood friends. And the assassin? If he turned him in, would he come after him? 

"Death or life... Death or life... which one?" Will asked, motioning his hands like a scale. Will knew which the man would pick. The man wasn't a strong fighter, he figured that when he captured him. Will also knew that some of his gang members were the man's friends, but still, Will  knew his decision. 

"Kendal Hogswarth, Jack Winstall, Zachary Winslow, and Preston Hardship," the man said, with his eyes glued to the floor. 

Will nodded his head. But something was missing. "Those are all Araluen names. None of them were Genovesans."

The man swallowed again. "Can you guarantee me security if I tell you? I want to know that you won't let him kill me in revenge if I tell you."

Will raised an eyebrow. "Of course. Guaranteed."

"Riccardo Ricci."

Will smiled. "Good, that wasn't so hard now, was it?" When the man didn't answer Will pushed on. "You will receive a cell in a couple of minutes, but I want you to know," Will looked him in the eyes, "you did the right thing. I know it was hard, but you did the right thing. And do not worry about your family. I will make sure that they are taken care of for the next few months. They will get food and money that will last for a while."

The man's shoulders relaxed significantly. 

Will stood up and stared to leave, his eyes not leaving the man though. 

"Ranger?" the man called. 

Will raised an eyebrow.

"I know I did wrong, but thank you for caring for my family. All I wanted is the best for them."

The ranger's eyes softened slightly. He nodded and left. Once outside, he nodded once more to the tow guards letting them know to take the man to the cells. 

Will hated to sentence a man for life. It was one of the more hated parts of his job. And the fact that the man thanked him at the end showed that he really just wanted his family safe and healthy and it tore Will apart to do what he did. He made himself a promise to check up on the man in a few days, to make sure he was in fact well taken care of. 

Utterly tired from that interrogation, Will trudged back to Horace's and Evanlyn's apartments. He knew he was welcome any time. But he wasn't interested in seeing them. He wanted their delicious coffee. Because that was the way of the Rangers. Coffee first, then people. And after all that, work.

Ok. Not the best ending. Sorry. But thanks for reading! Vote and Comment! 

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